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speaking the truth vs speak the truth

Both "speaking the truth" and "speak the truth" are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. "Speaking the truth" is used when referring to the act of speaking truthfully in general, while "speak the truth" is used when giving a specific instruction or command to someone to tell the truth.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 966 views

speaking the truth

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the act of speaking truthfully in general.


  • Speaking the truth is always the right thing to do.
  • She is known for always speaking the truth.
  • You can't stop me speaking the truth.
  • Rainey is being imprisoned for speaking the truth, and that is wrong.
  • Come on, arrest me for speaking the truth.
  • Bring my mother here and you'll see I'm speaking the truth.
  • I'm far from afraid. I'm speaking the truth.
  • We also have to start speaking the truth.
  • They died for speaking the truth.
  • I will not apologize for speaking the truth.
  • Believers clearly do not have the same free speech rules as everybody else, but we should never let that stop us from speaking the truth.
  • Why hesitate in speaking the truth?
  • I do hope you're not intending to persecute me for speaking the truth.
  • The first person I could think to speak with, was Howard Lyman who was sued by cattlemen for speaking the truth on animal agriculture on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
  • I've had 9 aliases, 23 jobs, spoken 4 languages and spent 3 years in a mental hospital for speaking the truth.
  • I have a gift of speaking the truth, it leaves a strange stench in her nostrils, something you have in common.
  • During all these years, the most important and most interesting thing he did was to have constantly persisted in speaking the truth.
  • Not because I'm afraid of speaking the truth, but because I specifically asked you to leave my wife and children out of this discussion.
  • What happened to everyone that are interested in speaking the truth?
  • Are you going to kill me for speaking the truth?
  • some people are so daring in defending their rights, in speaking the truth


  • telling the truth
  • being honest
  • truth-telling

speak the truth

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when giving a specific instruction or command to someone to tell the truth.


  • I need you to speak the truth about what happened.
  • It's important to speak the truth, no matter what.
  • Even when delirious, one can speak the truth.
  • We must speak the truth in love.
  • You speak the truth, my faithful Indian companion.
  • Maurice, you speak the truth.
  • Only Janne dared speak the truth.
  • You tread heavily... but you speak the truth.
  • On rare occasions, I speak the truth.
  • Even so ruined, it would yet speak the truth.
  • But we can speak the truth.
  • You had no right to speak the truth.
  • Our brothers, while clumsy in delivery, speak the truth.
  • Tell us everything you saw that day, just speak the truth.
  • For once in your life speak the truth.
  • I finally speak the truth, confessing my love.
  • I speak the truth because I care about her.
  • Stoned to death because he dared speak the truth.
  • Never be afraid to speak the truth.
  • I speak the truth, Reverend.
  • I thought you said Saturn would compel her to speak the truth.


  • tell the truth
  • be honest
  • truth-telling

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