Which one is correct?
"vb" or "Sorry but i have never seen you before and i have never been to k block library so i dont know whom u talking about"?

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This phrase is not a complete sentence and does not convey any meaning on its own. It seems to be an abbreviation or acronym that requires context to be understood.

This abbreviation 'vb' needs to be expanded or used within a sentence to make sense and convey a specific message. It cannot stand alone as a complete thought.

Sorry but i have never seen you before and i have never been to k block library so i dont know whom u talking about

This phrase is correct and can be used in informal communication to express not recognizing someone or something due to lack of prior interaction or experience.

This phrase is used to explain to someone that you are unfamiliar with a person or place they are referring to, based on your lack of previous encounters or visits.
The first phrase is a complete sentence explaining that the speaker has never seen the person before and has never been to a specific location, so they don't know who the other person is talking about. The second phrase 'vb' is not a complete sentence and does not convey any meaning on its own.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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