Which one is correct?
"someone's trail" or "someone's trace"?

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someone's trail

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to the path or track left behind by a person. It can be used in a literal sense, such as following someone's trail in the woods, or in a figurative sense, like following someone's trail of success.


  • The detective followed the suspect's trail through the forest.
  • Hikers often leave a trail of footprints behind them.
  • The artist left a trail of paint splatters across the canvas.
  • The entrepreneur's trail of innovative ideas led to great success.
  • The criminal left a trail of evidence at the crime scene.


  • someone's path
  • someone's track
  • someone's footsteps
  • someone's route
  • someone's course

someone's trace

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to a sign or indication of someone's presence or existence. It can be used to describe a faint mark or evidence left behind by someone.


  • There was a trace of perfume in the room, indicating someone had been there.
  • The detective found a trace of blood on the floor.
  • The old house still bore traces of its former grandeur.
  • The archaeologists discovered traces of ancient civilization in the ruins.
  • The missing person left no trace of their whereabouts.


  • someone's sign
  • someone's mark
  • someone's evidence
  • someone's hint
  • someone's clue
Both 'someone's trail' and 'someone's trace' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Someone's trail' refers to the path or track left behind by a person, while 'someone's trace' refers to a sign or indication of someone's presence or existence.

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

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