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smaller change vs less change

Both 'smaller change' and 'less change' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Smaller change' is used when comparing the size or amount of changes, while 'less change' is used when referring to a reduced amount of change. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 2912 views

smaller change

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when comparing the size or amount of changes.

This phrase is used when you want to indicate that one change is of a lesser magnitude or size compared to another change. It is often used in contexts where specific measurements or quantities are being compared.


  • The smaller change in temperature was not enough to affect the experiment's outcome.
  • I prefer making smaller changes to the design rather than drastic ones.
  • There was a smaller change in the stock market today compared to yesterday.
  • The smaller change in policy did not address the root cause of the issue.
  • She noticed a smaller change in her energy levels after switching to a healthier diet.
  • Is as if they think the smaller changes are more likely to have occurred.
  • Designed to capture smaller changes in the starlight, to be able to detect distant planets star passes in front of her.
  • The many other smaller changes introduced by the Council for the most part improves the text and can therefore be accepted.
  • In contrast, patients adding placebo had smaller changes in HbA1c levels, with a rise of 0.23% from a starting level of 8.30%.
  • In contrast, patients adding placebo to their existing treatment showed smaller changes in HbA1c levels, ranging from a fall of 0.3% to a rise of 0.2%.
  • In contrast, patients adding placebo had smaller changes in HbA1c levels, with a rise of 0.23% from a starting level of 8.30%.
  • The US and other advanced countries have been pushing for much smaller changes, to be recommended by the OECD, the advanced countries' club.
  • The second source is a lot of smaller changes that, in many ways, have been in the pipeline for a long time but, rather than have a string of reports changing the rules on minor points, we have grouped them together.
  • Another consideration should be that within-group variations in relative wage rate changes are smaller than between-group variations.
  • The bulk of the reforms affect the universal services and users' rights directive, with a smaller number of changes to the ePrivacy directive, and one minor change to the consumer protection co-operation regulation.
  • Changes to NUTS level 3 boundaries due to changes of smaller administrative units as laid down in Annex III:
  • Portugal supported the changes to Directive 94/54 but disagrees with the abolition of classification societies by smaller countries.
  • Captain, change the artillery to smaller cannons.
  • This change has been discussed in the Council and would include smaller boats than ships, such as yachts.
  • We will therefore propose a new recital and changes to Article 9, which will ensure that effects on smaller Member States are properly taken into account on review.
  • So far, the effect of recent changes in exchange rates on domestic consumer prices has been smaller than could have been expected on the basis of past experience.
  • Fundamental changes are needed so that there is a reduction in global fishing and so that a smaller proportion of the fisheries budget is used for agreements with third countries.
  • MEPs expressed diverse views from pressing on with much of the existing Constitution, to a smaller Treaty, to advocating no change to the status quo.
  • Incidentally, it is the smaller farmers who have so far been most willing to accept change and to approach it positively.
  • It is also crucial that the Commission change tack and focus on a number of smaller targets which are measurable and tailored to individual Member States.


  • minor change
  • slight change
  • lesser change
  • reduced change
  • diminished change

less change

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to a reduced amount of change.

This phrase is used when you want to convey that there is a smaller amount or degree of change compared to a previous state. It is often used in contexts where the focus is on the quantity or extent of change rather than the specific size.


  • There was less change in the weather patterns this year compared to last year.
  • The new regulations resulted in less change than expected.
  • She noticed less change in her mood after starting the new medication.
  • The project experienced less change in scope than initially anticipated.
  • The company decided to implement less change in their marketing strategy.
  • He agreed the less change, the better.
  • There are other less important changes on top of these.
  • Other, less disruptive changes, such as the rise of human capital, could also be mentioned.
  • In other sections, less extensive interinstitutional changes and even administrative changes are suggested.
  • Quality makes exporters less vulnerable to changes in price - including those driven by rising wages.
  • Pursuing a higher education is now less of an adventure for girls, less a change of pace, a pause, a unique interlude in their lives.
  • Livestock producers need stability, since today they can be subject to a string of more or less valid changes that affect producers' planning and investment strategy.
  • No time to breathe, much less to change.
  • The interest rate differential vis-à-vis the United States remained broadly stable for most of the year, reflecting more or less synchronous changes in the macroeconomic prospects in the two economies.
  • Therefore, think less about changes to the Constitution and more about building the collective courage to go out and persuade people why it is necessary.
  • The SEPA will require changes in the habits of individuals, including those who are less prepared for change.
  • It also proposes that, in the more immediate future, less far-reaching changes be made with a view to remedying its most obvious faults.
  • A day more or less won't change the price on me.
  • And once we do that, it lives forever on the Internet, and we are less motivated to change these views, even when new evidence arises.
  • What Parliament is asking of you now is nothing less than a change of heart.
  • I would like to see us worry less about climate change and more about energy security.
  • It can change in less than 50 milliseconds, which...
  • Ultimately, though, it was best to "think less about changes to the constitution and more about building the collective courage to go out and persuade people why it is necessary".
  • Hiding cells in this way also makes them slightly less prone to accidental change.
  • Relatively little attention is paid to the very important issue of making Europe as a whole, and specifically the individual Member States, less vulnerable should climate changes occur.


  • reduced change
  • decreased change
  • diminished change
  • limited change
  • lower amount of change

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