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should be free to use vs should be free for use

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Should be free to use' implies that something is available for use without any restrictions or cost. On the other hand, 'should be free for use' suggests that something is available for use without any restrictions but may or may not involve a cost. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the intended meaning.

Last updated: April 05, 2024 • 148 views

should be free to use

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that something is available for use without any restrictions or cost.

This phrase is used to express that something should be available for use without any constraints or charges. It implies that there are no limitations on using the item.


  • The software should be free to use for all employees.
  • The playground equipment should be free to use by the public.
  • The resources should be free to use for educational purposes.
  • should be free to use
  • All participants should be free to participate.
  • They should be free to work without arbitrary interference.
  • I have my friends, and you should be free to choose yours.
  • He should be free to live his life without shame.
  • A man should be free to write what he pleases unless he publish it.
  • Therefore Member States should be free to maintain their own competent authorities.
  • Governments should be free to review their car taxation systems to that effect.
  • EU Member States should be free to maintain their own rules on online gambling, MEPs stress.
  • Member States should be free to choose the appropriate means to achieve this objective.
  • Member States should be free to introduce or maintain such requirements applicable to individual natural persons.
  • Spectrum users should be free to provide all input they believe is necessary.
  • Member States should be free to adopt such provisions.
  • All Member States should be free to sell their goods within the EU.
  • Service providers should be free to conclude commercial agreements between themselves for the re-use of relevant data.
  • Having been elected, politicians should be free to associate in any combinations they wish.
  • Storage mechanisms should be free to establish their own pricing policy.
  • Entrepreneurs should be free to compete on world markets, unimpeded by bureaucratic barriers.
  • Member States should be free to deny or grant prior authorisation.
  • Furthermore 86% of Canadian people polled believed the EU should be free to choose to ban these products.
  • However, consortia should be free to adapt this model to their needs.


  • should be available for use
  • should be accessible for use
  • should be open for use
  • should be unrestricted for use
  • should be at no cost for use

should be free for use

This phrase is correct and can be used to indicate that something is available for use without any restrictions, but it may or may not involve a cost.

This phrase is used to express that something should be available for use without any constraints, but it may or may not be free of charge. It implies that there are no limitations on using the item, but there could be a cost associated with it.


  • The meeting room should be free for use by all employees.
  • The equipment should be free for use during the event.
  • The software should be free for use with a valid license.
  • should be free for use
  • Cable should be free for everybody, an.
  • And the phone is working and should be free for customers.
  • I have invaded your country, essentially, to take this incredible idea that all college should be free for everyone.
  • That means that our state colleges and universities should be free for every high-school graduate.
  • So I think that every art should be free for everyone?
  • Did you know that in a progressive society food should be free for everybody?
  • Now we have the situation that Mercedes is far ahead, and the others are behind, and therefore it should be free for every manufacturer to develop the engine as they want to.
  • And we know that, as Mantegazza said, love is and always will be an art. So I think that every art should be free for everyone?
  • The press should be free, except for appeals to riot and insurrection.
  • The system for legal aid and representation should be free, especially for children.
  • Financial conglomerates should be free to opt for one of the methods provided in Annex I of the Directive.
  • All respondents agreed, in line with previous answers on legal training, that such courses should be free of charge for participants.
  • Each Member State should be free to decide for themselves what form and level of internal border controls to implement between EU Member States.
  • It is important that Member States should be free to decide for themselves when a homeopathic medicine qualifies for this procedure.
  • In order to improve access to immunizations, vaccines should be provided for free for the migrants.
  • Should be free of charge for hotel guest as being with children we have never stayed longer then 2-4 hours on the beach however had to pay as for the whole day.
  • I understand that Austria proposed that Member States should be free to decide for which flights - both international and intra-EU - PNR data should be collected.
  • Data transmission by the national authorities should be free of charge for the Member States and for the Union institutions and agencies.
  • We discussed the same problem last year in Angers during the French Presidency and, again, the health ministers insisted that each Member State should be free to decide for itself how many stocks it wanted.
  • In underlying parking should be allowed to be free for a few hours, according to the Hafenmeisters.Neuer Price 9 Euro.


  • should be available for use
  • should be accessible for use
  • should be open for use
  • should be unrestricted for use
  • should be at no cost for use

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