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should be considered an vs should be considered as an

Both phrases are correct, but 'should be considered an' is more commonly used in English. The addition of 'as' in 'should be considered as an' is not necessary and can be considered redundant.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 3059 views

should be considered an

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something should be regarded or thought of as a particular thing or in a particular way.


  • This issue should be considered an urgent matter.
  • The proposal should be considered an opportunity for growth.
  • He takes this opportunity to stress that ensuring a high level of the protection of personal data and its more efficient implementation in practice should be considered an essential prerequisite to the improvement of the working of Eurodac.
  • In this case there is no new economic advantage so the aid should be considered an existing aid.
  • The yearly publication of this report should be considered an important event.
  • Belgium argues that this investment in DSIH should be considered an investment that is pari passu with Duferco Développement. Given that FSIH and Duferco Développement provided the same amount, they would have the same interest and would be subject to the same risks.
  • Therefore, according to Italy, the Terni tariff should be considered an existing non-aid measure.
  • In addition, any pathology caused by occupational exposure to asbestos should be considered an occupational disease.
  • A terrorist attack on a Member State should be considered an attack on the entire Union, and the scenario adopted should take this into account.
  • "that Ms. Brody's death should be considered an unsolved murder".
  • Each piece of EU legislation on taxation should be considered an important tool for the simultaneous achievement of micro and macroeconomic objectives.
  • Injection site reactions Myocet should be considered an irritant and precautions should be taken to avoid extravasation.
  • Moreover the 2006 restructuring plan submitted that additional payments of PLN 628,7 million from shipowners following the renegotiation of contracts should be considered an own contribution.
  • The Millennium Development Goals, referred to by Mr Barón Crespo, should be considered an essential intermediate stage, but certainly not the final one.
  • For additional factual details please refer to the opening decision, which should be considered an integral part of this Decision.
  • The WTO agreement on safeguards sets out formal, substantial parameters which are far higher than those relating to anti-dumping, and points out that they should be considered an 'extreme' and exceptional remedy.
  • This is in line with the basic principle that the findings in each part of the budgetary cycle should be considered an input for the subsequent stage.
  • Thus, ex ante regulation should be considered an appropriate complement to competition law when competition law alone would not adequately address persistent market failure(s) identified.
  • Accordingly, such programmes developed with Member States should be considered an effective means of promoting sustainability and their development should be encouraged.
  • Thirdly, it was argued that the approval of the restructuring plan by the Supervisory Board of SSN should be considered an aid-granting event.
  • When responses such as alopecia (limited area), hyperkeratosis, hyperplasia and scaling, persist to the end of the 14-day observation period, the test substance should be considered an irritant.
  • Where the works has a locally integrated steel foundry this should be considered an integrated part of the works.


  • should be seen as an
  • should be viewed as an
  • should be regarded as an
  • should be treated as an
  • should be looked upon as an

should be considered as an

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is also used to indicate that something should be regarded or thought of as a particular thing or in a particular way. The addition of 'as' is optional and can be considered redundant.


  • This candidate should be considered as an asset to the team.
  • The new policy should be considered as an improvement.
  • It should be considered as an example of best practice.
  • According to your 'rapporteur', the Commission's € 6.1 billion estimate should be considered as an absolute minimum 'advisory cost'.
  • According to the opinion of the EU reference laboratory for brucellosis and tuberculosis of 15 July 2014, a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test should be considered as an important further step of the bacteriological test.
  • Portugal submitted that vacuum gas oil will be used exclusively as feedstock for the hydrocracker in Sines. Therefore, it should be considered as an intermediate product for the increased production of diesel and not be assessed separately.
  • The agriculture agreement underlines our responsibility towards a country, our neighbour, which should be considered as an important door to Mediterranean markets.
  • This means that such costs should be considered precisely as costs normally to be borne by the polluter, which, in turn, means that their payment by the State should be considered as an advantage granted by the State.
  • In the case at hand, the Spanish authorities argue that the release of the Digital Dividend should be considered as an exceptional occurrence.
  • In the case of Castilla-La Mancha the authorities have not argued that the measure should be considered as an SGEI.
  • The President indicated that amendment 21 should be considered as an addition.
  • This report therefore seeks to put forward a number of ideas for consideration, and should be considered as an initial contribution to the dialogue.
  • am 14: should be considered as an addition.
  • The exclusion of private networks per se as suggested above should be considered as an interim measure which should be subject of further debate.
  • Poland argues that this financing has a similar effect to revolving credit and should be considered as an own contribution of Techmatrans.
  • The Commission also clearly stated that Poland's argument that advance payments from shipowners should be considered as an own contribution could not be accepted.
  • The financial results summarised in Table 4 do not suggest that FFHG should be considered as an undertaking in difficulty.
  • Indicate if your application should be considered as an expression of interest in the context of the four Board Members with a background in organisations representing consumers or other interests in the food chain.
  • The communication suggests that an area should be considered as an LFA if 66 % of the land is classified under at least one of the eight criteria.
  • (7b) In line with Article 11(3)(f) of Directive 2000/60/EC, groundwater storage and recovery should be considered as an allowable practice under permit and acknowledged as a valuable method for water resources management.
  • They should be considered as an asset to the EU economy and not as a threat to EU workers.
  • She is merely proposing that her amendment, which has been tabled under the Rules, translated into nine languages and included in your files, should replace nothing, but should be considered as an addition.


  • should be seen as an
  • should be viewed as an
  • should be regarded as an
  • should be treated as an
  • should be looked upon as an

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