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she is authoritarian vs she is authoritative

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings. 'She is authoritarian' means she tends to control others strictly, while 'she is authoritative' means she has the power to influence or command. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to convey a negative (authoritarian) or positive (authoritative) connotation.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 879 views

she is authoritarian

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe someone who tends to control others strictly.

This phrase is used to describe a person who enforces strict obedience or submission to authority, often in a negative sense.


  • The dictator was known for being authoritarian and suppressing dissent.
  • Her authoritarian leadership style alienated many of her colleagues.
  • She is tall, slightly authoritarian, but without being disagreeable.
  • It's certainly undeniable that the government is authoritarian.
  • An entity that is authoritarian and hierarchical in nature cannot be relied on to protect and promote a democratic transition.
  • Not that face that is authoritarian and malicious, or that cries.
  • After giving much thought to the matter, these latter have thought up a procedure that is authoritarian and centralist in its very concept.
  • It suffices to tell them that this or that act is authoritarian for it to be condemned.
  • In a mass party it makes sense that it is authoritarian, because there are distinct levels of engagement inside the organization, from the lowest militants up the leaders.
  • Perhaps she wants to mollycoddle them, but he thinks that they should not be wrapped in cotton wool. Or he is authoritarian, while she is a "soft touch" and the children begin to play on this.
  • She was secretive and acted authoritarian.
  • Many authoritarian governments adopt restrictive Internet and electronic communication policies.
  • All three big parties are authoritarian.
  • They were being very Port Authoritarian.
  • Turkmenistan is a republic with authoritarian presidential rule.
  • Within days their authoritarian script was in tatters.
  • There is another Soviet style authoritarian regime in our Mediterranean neighbourhood.
  • The authoritarian Constitution has been amended.
  • Transference of fear and self-loathing to an authoritarian vessel.
  • Any vertically integrated command and control authoritarian system does this.
  • Reproduction of authoritarian power-relations in "anti-authoritarian" groups
  • And in place of that, what happens is that Islamism grows as an ideology which is authoritarian, which is quite strident, which is quite anti-Western, and which wants to shape society based on a utopian vision.


  • She has an authoritarian personality.
  • He displayed authoritarian tendencies in his management approach.

she is authoritative

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe someone who has the power to influence or command.

This phrase is used to describe a person who is respected for their knowledge or expertise and has the ability to influence others.


  • The professor is authoritative in the field of astrophysics.
  • She is an authoritative figure in the legal community.
  • This voice is authoritative and confident.
  • The present German language version is authoritative in the event of uncertainty with versions in other languages.
  • The DAM's decision is authoritative and (almost) without appeal, which explains why the people in that seat (currently, Jörg Jaspert, Christoph Berg and Enrico Zini) have often been criticized in the past.
  • A primary server is authoritative on the contents of a zone; secondary servers, usually hosted on separate machines, provide regularly refreshed copies of the primary zone.
  • The composition of the Scientific Council must demonstrate that the Council can exercise scientific leadership which is authoritative and absolutely independent, combining wisdom and experience with vision and imagination.
  • 4 Since the word of the king is authoritative, who will say to him, "What are you doing?"
  • Victoria, looking lovely and authoritative.
  • In recent years I too have heard these enormous sums mentioned by a variety of authoritative and less authoritative sources.
  • According to authoritative international media sources, the 'Blackwater' company is being paid over 100 million dollars annually for its criminal actions.
  • It makes you look authoritative, it's perfect.
  • The resulting legal framework would have a beneficial effect on the length of proceedings, without making Community jurisdiction any less authoritative.
  • But that would be making the same mistake as our current authoritative teachings.
  • But there's no lack of authoritative theologians who do not think so.
  • Encryption and management of authoritative processes in the interbank payment systems.
  • Ever he displayed this combination of the sympathizing friend and the authoritative teacher.
  • We have also asked the WTO General Council to give an authoritative interpretation on this question.
  • Bertha and I aren't very authoritative.
  • But even authoritative cardinals have said that one shouldn't be too rigid on this.
  • The UN organization UNESCO is an authoritative and universally recognized world body responsible for cultural, educational and scientific cooperation.
  • Authoritative international economic organisations are already sounding alarm bells in connection with the creation of the euro.


  • She has an authoritative presence.
  • He speaks with an authoritative voice.

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