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satisfaction of vs satisfaction for

Both "satisfaction of" and "satisfaction for" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Satisfaction of" is commonly used when referring to the feeling of contentment or fulfillment resulting from an action or event. On the other hand, "satisfaction for" is often used when expressing gratitude or appreciation for something that has been done.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 986 views

satisfaction of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the feeling of contentment or fulfillment resulting from an action or event. It is often followed by a noun or a gerund.


  • The satisfaction of completing a challenging project was immense.
  • She felt a deep sense of satisfaction of having helped others.
  • The satisfaction of a job well done is priceless.
  • Give them the satisfaction of his execution.
  • The satisfaction of helping those in hell.
  • Another policy is needed, based on the satisfaction of social needs.
  • However, the levels of involvement and satisfaction of civil-society representatives in the partnership process are not yet known.
  • Never in physical action had I discovered the chilling satisfaction of words.
  • Deny him the satisfaction of having any impact on us.
  • Do not give them the satisfaction of seeing your fear.
  • I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction of me killing myself.
  • So you simply want the satisfaction of hearing me say it.
  • And the satisfaction of knowing they had the courage of their convictions.
  • I enjoy the satisfaction of doing small things well.
  • At least I have the satisfaction of knowing he's in anguish somewhere.
  • And she meant to have the satisfaction of denying you that evasion.
  • He didn't have the satisfaction of dying decently.
  • I couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I wanted anything from him.
  • I will not leave the satisfaction of killing this traitor to the Turks.
  • I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of feeling like a celebrity.
  • Unless you count the satisfaction of winning.
  • Nice of you to give them both the satisfaction of taking down their suspect.
  • The satisfaction of turning your daughter into a vampire.


  • contentment from
  • fulfillment in
  • pleasure in

satisfaction for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express gratitude or appreciation for something that has been done. It is often followed by a noun or a pronoun.


  • I expressed my satisfaction for the excellent service provided.
  • She showed her satisfaction for the thoughtful gift.
  • We felt a sense of satisfaction for their hard work.
  • What satisfaction for that rotten blackmailer.
  • To come to this final conclusion is an enormous satisfaction for all of us.
  • Just think what a satisfaction for a typographer:
  • I cannot feel any satisfaction for the humiliation I have heaped upon him so far.
  • I enjoy the satisfaction for about 10 seconds and then it's gone.
  • Remember, therefore, to vote for this document and to show my satisfaction for this wonderful health Charter'.
  • It is a matter of great satisfaction for me to be able to refer to the European Parliament's adoption of the amendment tabled by two Polish Members who are part of the Committee on Culture: Mrs Tomaszewska and Mr Podkański.
  • This small tactical victory may provide satisfaction for the border regions directly affected by enlargement, but, given the overall meagre endowment of the action programme for the border regions, it is no more than a drop in the ocean.
  • This is a totally different kind of satisfaction for me.
  • Mr President, there is no need to stress the importance of customer satisfaction for businesses.
  • I do not know what's good. I never had that satisfaction for crying.
  • In the Netherlands, this system has been functioning to everyone's satisfaction for some years now.
  • The unimaginable suffering of the dying teenager was inflicted as satisfaction for 'bringing dishonour' on the family.
  • This resolution is a huge moral satisfaction for all who experienced the sufferings of World War II and any violence after it.
  • And if I die for my vengeance, then that's enough satisfaction for me.
  • This operation would be extremely costly for citizens in psychological terms and would serve only to provide ideological satisfaction for those who wish to see nations disappear.
  • Then Lacan stated that man finds satisfaction for his demand for love in the relation with the woman.
  • Mr President, it is always a great satisfaction for a mother to see the child she brought into the world grow up into an intelligent lively teenager.
  • This is an important day, a day of moral satisfaction for all the victims of totalitarian regimes.
  • The fact that it has been introduced on an equal footing is a cause of satisfaction for us and I would essentially like to thank the Commission, the Commissioner and Marie Claude Blin, for their efforts in reaching this agreement;


  • gratitude for
  • appreciation of
  • thankfulness for

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