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same applies for vs same applies to

Both 'same applies for' and 'same applies to' are commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable and can be used to indicate that a particular statement or rule is relevant in a similar way for a different situation or context.

Last updated: April 07, 2024 • 1092 views

same applies for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that a particular statement or rule is relevant in a similar way for a different situation or context.


  • The same rule applies for all employees.
  • The same principle applies for both cases.
  • The same applies for certain social conditions and constraints.
  • The same applies for future legislation.
  • The same applies for grant-awarded systems.
  • The same applies for the Aliens.
  • The P403 rack technical characteristics are the same as the ones valid for the PFC403 automatic power factor correction systems. The same applies for P503 (PFC503), H203 (PHF203), H303 (PHF303) and HS203 (PHS203).
  • The same applies for the March 2013 deadline.
  • The same applies for any new producer since the allocation of licenses is based on a past production and export record.
  • The same applies for other types of lineside signs if they are safety related.
  • The same applies for sectoral agreements on trade, textile and fisheries agreements.
  • The same applies for the definitions of the different actors in the chain of supply, clarifying their roles and responsibilities.
  • The same applies for the Board of Supervisors; i.e. the supervisory body of the Bank as provided by Chapter 16 of the Articles of Association.
  • In the Commission's view, the same applies for the marketing services agreement with AMS.
  • The same applies for crops from land rented for less than one year on an occasional basis.
  • The same applies for information available from existing programmes applied in other parts of the world for setting the specific ecodesign requirement of EuPs traded with the EU's economic partners.
  • The same applies for the modification of non-essential elements laid down in the basic act: they should be modified only by means of delegated acts (e.g. in the Single CMO Commission proposal: dates, non-application of certain paragraphs, measures for emergency situations).
  • The same applies for missing enhancement layers.
  • The same applies for the comparison on tensile strength.
  • The same applies for safety car phases during a restart directly after red flag periods.
  • The same applies for import and update via VBA macros.
  • The same applies for trousers, shirts and ties.


  • same applies to
  • applies equally for
  • applies in the same way for
  • applies similarly for
  • applies likewise for

same applies to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that a particular statement or rule is relevant in a similar way for a different situation or context.


  • The same rule applies to all employees.
  • The same principle applies to both cases.
  • The same applies to commercial and association agreements.
  • The same applies to immigration policy.
  • The same applies to my private sector activities.
  • The same applies to other chocolate.
  • The same applies to selected DVDs, books and records.
  • The same applies to resolving cross-frontier disputes in regard to interconnection.
  • The same applies to the international financial institutions and multilateral security organisations.
  • The same applies to certain banking services.
  • The same applies to qualified majority voting issues.
  • The same applies to pedestrian safety.
  • The same applies to liability for maritime transport.
  • The same applies to contributions to accident insurance.
  • The same applies to venture capital funds.
  • The same applies to advertising bans.
  • The same applies to combating terrorism.
  • The same applies to liquidity requirements.
  • The same applies to feed producers.
  • The same applies to the principles of electronics.
  • The same applies to amendments and changes, which should remain solely with the people.
  • The same applies to patients with altered hepatic function.


  • same applies for
  • applies equally to
  • applies in the same way to
  • applies similarly to
  • applies likewise to

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