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Safety comes first when vs Safety comes first when you

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Safety comes first when" is used to introduce a general statement about prioritizing safety, while "safety comes first when you" is used to specify a condition or action that must be taken to prioritize safety.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 465 views

Safety comes first when

This phrase is correct and commonly used to introduce a general statement about prioritizing safety.

This phrase is used to emphasize the importance of safety as the top priority in various situations.


  • Safety comes first when operating heavy machinery.
  • Safety comes first when traveling in hazardous conditions.
  • Safety comes first when engaging in extreme sports.
  • Safety comes first when handling hazardous materials.
  • Safety comes first when working in a high-risk environment.
  • Safety comes first when area schools determine whether to open during wintry conditions, officials say. Buy this photo. SUZANNE CARR ROSSI/THE FREE LANCE–STAR | Posted: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 12:00 am. Asher Cleverley, 8, of  ...
  • Ensuring children's safety comes first when anywhere near a road. Home » Opinion » Opinion. Wed, 6 May 2015. Opinion. ShareThis. AA spokesman Dylan Thomsen, outlines four ways to keep children safer on our roads. When I was 6, I was ...
  • Safety comes first when working with robots. 19 August 2014. Ensuring worker safety should be the prime consideration in all robot applications, especially when humans and robots may need to share the same workspace. “Robot safety is an ...
  • CleanLink photo galleries home. Safety Comes First When Cleaning Industrial Facilities. inShare. Janitors working for Building Professionals of Texas Janitorial Service, in Houston, work on flooring in an industrial facility. 1 / 5. StartStop.

Safety comes first when you

This phrase is correct and commonly used to specify a condition or action that must be taken to prioritize safety.

This phrase is used to highlight the importance of taking specific actions or following certain guidelines to ensure safety.


  • Safety comes first when you wear a helmet while biking.
  • Safety comes first when you follow safety protocols in the laboratory.
  • Safety comes first when you use protective gear in construction.
  • Safety comes first when you check the equipment before use.
  • Safety comes first when you receive proper training for the task.
  • Texting is increasingly becoming the way we communicate. Unfortunately, some people may be texting from behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. AT&T wants to inform all wireless users that safety comes first when you're in the driver's seat.
  • Safety comes first when you're enjoying the outdoors. Electricity is such an important part of our lives that we tend to take it for granted, but electricity should always be treated with caution and respect. Black River Electric Cooperative reminds ...
  • Your safety comes first when you fly in a Rainbow Ryders hot air balloon. We strive for balloon safety at all times with our highly trained and experienced balloon pilots, state-of-the-art hot air balloons, and top of the line balloon chase vehicles.
  • ... LiberTy STaTe Park for a picnic wiTh your family! Riding The LighT Kail can be so much fun if you pracTice your safeTy Tips. Kemember iT's up To you To make sure ThaT safeTy comes firsT when you are near Trains and railroad Tracks.

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