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resulted in increasing demand for vs has resulted in increasing demand for

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Resulted in increasing demand for" is used to describe a past event, while "has resulted in increasing demand for" is used to talk about a more recent event that still has an impact on the present.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1100 views

resulted in increasing demand for

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe a past event that led to an increase in demand.

This phrase is used to indicate that something in the past caused an increase in demand for a particular product or service.


  • The new marketing campaign resulted in increasing demand for our products.
  • The economic boom resulted in increasing demand for luxury goods.
  • their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned;
  • their likely impact and success in increasing demand for the products concerned;
  • Accordingly there is a high and increasing demand for EIB credits throughout the world.
  • Consequently, there is an increasing demand for access to information on companies in a cross-border context.
  • ...fails to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for liquor.
  • Employment and investments also increased in view of the increasing demand for biodiesel in the Community market during that period.
  • Consequently, there is an increasing demand for access to information on companies in a cross-border context.
  • There are thousands of planets like yours set up by families like mine to supply an ever increasing demand for more time.
  • So much pleasure only spurred an ever increasing demand for more sensation.
  • As a consequence, there is an ever increasing demand for automation at all process and auxiliary circuit levels.
  • Moreover, due to demographic changes, there will probably be an increasing demand for doctors in Europe.
  • We believe that the creation of the Single Sky will respond to the increasing demand for air safety.
  • Despite increasing demand for water, we are still grappling with excessive, unsustainable and inefficient water consumption that is rising almost twice as fast as the world's population.
  • It is therefore necessary to manage them in such a way as to ensure sustainable exploitation of fisheries whilst also satisfy the increasing demand for fisheries products.
  • The increasing demand for this form of energy should be covered by the latest generation of nuclear power stations that do not emit noxious gases.
  • Madam President, as the Member States' economies and industry recover, there will be an ever-increasing demand for gas.
  • Finally, again on the social level, Europe is facing increasing demands for higher pay.
  • However, other producer countries such as Saudi Arabia have indicated their ability and readiness to satisfy increasing demand for its oil for existing customers.
  • The timing of any risk or impact assessments should be consistent with the increasing demand for chemicals risk assessment under REACH.
  • The increasing demands for mobility and flexibility must be met by deploying major resources on stimulating life-long learning and new adapted forms of social protection.


  • led to an increase in demand for
  • caused an increase in demand for
  • brought about an increase in demand for
  • triggered an increase in demand for
  • sparked an increase in demand for

has resulted in increasing demand for

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe a more recent event that has led to an increase in demand and still has an impact on the present.

This phrase is used to indicate that something in the recent past has caused an increase in demand for a particular product or service, and that increase is still ongoing.


  • The new product launch has resulted in increasing demand for our services.
  • The pandemic has resulted in increasing demand for online shopping.
  • This has resulted in intense economic development and investment and, as a result, an increased demand for audiovisual material on certain markets.
  • The constructive dialogue which evolved during the monitoring process between Parliament, the agencies and the European Court of Auditors has resulted in increasing transparency and tighter management discipline.
  • Freedom of movement has resulted in increasing numbers of our young people travelling to Member States other than their own to pursue their university education.
  • their likely impact in increasing demand for the products concerned;
  • their likely impact and success in increasing demand for the products concerned;
  • This situation has resulted in Haiti becoming more than 50% dependent on food imports and in there being no demand for 35% of the local harvest.
  • The reform of the CFP has resulted in new demands for scientific advice, in particular concerning the adoption of an ecosystem approach and the management of mixed fisheries.
  • This has been caused by the partial relocation of production to China, which has resulted in a dumping of low-cost products and a lack of demand for the handicrafts that are still produced in Murano.
  • The reform of the CFP has resulted in new demands for scientific advice, in particular concerning the adoption of an ecosystem approach and the management of mixed fisheries.
  • Growth in traffic has resulted in increased congestion in international transport.
  • The state of emergency has resulted in censorship.
  • First, the worsening of the sovereign debt crisis, which many European banks are facing, has resulted in increasing mistrust on the part of investors towards bank counterparties, so the latter are unable to obtain financing in satisfactory volumes and under satisfactory conditions.
  • Accordingly there is a high and increasing demand for EIB credits throughout the world.
  • Consequently, there is an increasing demand for access to information on companies in a cross-border context.
  • ...fails to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for liquor.
  • Employment and investments also increased in view of the increasing demand for biodiesel in the Community market during that period.
  • Consequently, there is an increasing demand for access to information on companies in a cross-border context.
  • The deformity of the anomaly's brain has resulted in profound neurological changes.
  • The deformity of the anomaly's brain... has resulted in profound neurological changes.
  • This year St. Nicholas has resulted in record sales.


  • has led to an increase in demand for
  • has caused an increase in demand for
  • has brought about an increase in demand for
  • has triggered an increase in demand for
  • has sparked an increase in demand for

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