Which one is correct?
"respond to comment" or "response to comment"?

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respond to comment

This phrase is correct and commonly used in everyday conversation or informal writing.

This phrase is more commonly used in informal contexts, such as casual conversations, social media interactions, or personal emails, to indicate reacting or replying to a comment.


  • I will respond to your comment as soon as possible.
  • She always responds to comments on her blog.
  • Please respond to the comments on the post.
  • He didn't respond to my comment on his photo.
  • It's important to respond to comments on social media.


  • reply to comment
  • answer to comment
  • react to comment
  • acknowledge comment
  • comment response

response to comment

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal written communication.

This phrase is typically used in formal contexts, such as official reports, statements, or academic papers, to indicate a written reply or reaction to a comment.


  • The company issued a response to the comments made by the shareholders.
  • The government's response to the public comments was well-received.
  • The professor's response to the student's comment was thorough and insightful.


  • reply to comment
  • answer to comment
  • reaction to comment
  • feedback on comment
  • comment response
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Response to comment' is more formal and is often used in written communication, such as official statements or reports. 'Respond to comment' is more commonly used in everyday conversation or informal writing.

Last Updated: March 23, 2024

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