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research on vs research in

Both 'research on' and 'research in' are commonly used phrases in English, but they are used in different contexts. 'Research on' is used when referring to the topic or subject of the research, while 'research in' is used when referring to the location or field of study where the research is being conducted.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 3648 views

research on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the topic or subject of the research.

Use 'research on' when talking about the specific topic or subject that is being studied in the research.


  • I am conducting research on the effects of climate change.
  • There is a lot of research on the benefits of exercise.
  • She is presenting her research on artificial intelligence.
  • The professor is an expert in research on renewable energy.
  • The team is working on research on cancer treatments.
  • IARC: a new era in cancer research. This new video presents the work of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
  • Oct 24, 2024 ... Security research on Private Cloud Compute. Posted by Apple Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR). The high-level architecture of ...
  • James Wilsdon, Director, RoRI ... RoRI's mission is to accelerate transformational research on research systems, cultures and decision-making. Signup to our ...
  • Labs at NIH. Scientists conduct research on NIH campuses across the U.S., as part of our Intramural Research Program.
  • Established in 1990, the Office of Research on Women's Health serves as the focal point for women's health research at the National Institutes of Health.
  • Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL). DRL invests in the improvement of STEM learning for people of all ages by promoting innovative ...
  • Welcome to the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). · Financing Putin's war on Europe: Fossil fuel imports from Russia during the invasion of ...
  • The Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) is a multi-faceted, interdisciplinary research center that advances both ...
  • Skip to main content. University of Wisconsin–Madison · INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH ON POVERTY. Research | Training | Policy | Practice. Menu. Search.
  • Jun 26, 2020 ... IMF Working Papers. A Survey of Research on Retail Central Bank Digital Currency. By John Kiff, Jihad Alwazir, ...


  • study on
  • investigation on
  • analysis on
  • examination on
  • exploration on

research in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the location or field of study where the research is being conducted.

Use 'research in' when talking about the specific location or field of study where the research is taking place.


  • She is conducting research in the field of psychology.
  • There is ongoing research in the area of sustainable agriculture.
  • He is involved in research in the medical field.
  • The university is known for its research in environmental science.
  • They are conducting research in collaboration with international partners.
  • Sign in using your ScienceDirect credentials. Username: Password: Remember me. | Not Registered? Forgotten username or password? Help · Advanced search. Cover image Research in International Business and Finance ...
  • Research in Developmental Disabilities Volume 47, In ProgressVolume / Issue In Progress A Volume/Issue that is "In Progress" contains final, fully citable articles that are published online, but the volume/issue itself is awaiting more articles ...
  • Research In Developmental Disabilities is an international journal aimed at publishing original research of an interdisciplinary nature that has a direct bearing on the understanding or remediation of problems associated with developmental ...
  • Established in 1947, Research in Economics is one of the oldest general-interest economics journals in Europe, and publishes important research contributions on a wide range of topics. The purpose of the journal is to select original ...


  • study in
  • investigation in
  • analysis in
  • examination in
  • exploration in

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