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Repent with all their heart vs Repent with all their hearts

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Repent with all their heart' is correct when referring to an individual repenting sincerely, while 'repent with all their hearts' is correct when referring to a group of people repenting sincerely.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 1118 views

Repent with all their heart

This phrase is correct when referring to an individual repenting sincerely.

This phrase is used when talking about a single person repenting sincerely and wholeheartedly.


  • He decided to repent with all his heart for his past mistakes.
  • Cease not therefore to admonish your sons; for I know that, if they will repent with all their heart, they will be enrolled in the Books of Life with the saints." Having ...
  • Cease not therefore to reprove thy children; for I know that if they shall repent with all their heart, they shall be written in the books of life with the saints." Hermas ...
  • ... with you in the land of their captors, saying, 'We have sinned... if they repent with all their heart and soul... then hear in heaven... and forgive your people.
  • Cease not therefore to admonish your sons; for I know that, if they will repent with all their heart, they will be enrolled in the Books of Life with the saints. Having ...


  • repent sincerely
  • repent wholeheartedly

Repent with all their hearts

This phrase is correct when referring to a group of people repenting sincerely.

This phrase is used when talking about multiple people repenting sincerely and wholeheartedly.


  • The congregation was asked to repent with all their hearts for forgiveness.
  • 9 For I the 3 messenger of righteousness am with thee; and all that depart from it, as many as shall repent with all their hearts, shall live unto God; and I will be ...
  • 9 I replied; But, sir, behold they also now repent with all their hearts. I know, says he, that they repent with all their hearts; but dost thou therefore think that their ...
  • (Turn back to Him, or repent, with all their hearts.) If possible, display an old piece of clothing or cloth. Begin to tear the clothing, and explain that people in Old ...
  • For I the messenger of righteousness am with you; and all who depart from it, as many as will repent with all their hearts, will live to God, and I will be with them ...


  • repent sincerely together
  • repent wholeheartedly as a group

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