relevant industry or related industry?

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relevant industry

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the industry that is directly connected or pertinent to the topic being discussed.


  • It is important to stay updated on trends in the relevant industry.
  • She has extensive experience in the relevant industry.
  • The company is a key player in the relevant industry.
  • His research focuses on the relevant industry sectors.
  • The report provides insights into the relevant industry dynamics.


  • pertinent industry
  • appropriate industry
  • connected industry
  • associated industry
  • corresponding industry

related industry

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to an industry that has some connection or association with the topic being discussed.


  • The company operates in a related industry.
  • Her expertise extends to related industries.
  • The report covers trends in related industries.
  • They are exploring opportunities in related industries.
  • The event attracts professionals from related industries.


  • associated industry
  • connected industry
  • corresponding industry
  • linked industry
  • affiliated industry
Both 'relevant industry' and 'related industry' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable in many contexts, but 'relevant industry' may imply a stronger connection or importance compared to 'related industry'. The choice between the two depends on the specific emphasis or nuance the speaker wants to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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