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relevant industry vs related industry

Both 'relevant industry' and 'related industry' are correct and commonly used phrases in English. They are interchangeable in many contexts, but 'relevant industry' may imply a stronger connection or importance compared to 'related industry'. The choice between the two depends on the specific emphasis or nuance the speaker wants to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1769 views

relevant industry

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the industry that is directly connected or pertinent to the topic being discussed.


  • It is important to stay updated on trends in the relevant industry.
  • She has extensive experience in the relevant industry.
  • The company is a key player in the relevant industry.
  • His research focuses on the relevant industry sectors.
  • The report provides insights into the relevant industry dynamics.
  • Intensive discussions with the relevant industry sectors should continue to try to establish optimum pathways for these transitions.
  • Calls on the relevant industry groups to prepare sector-specific roadmaps that will set out how EU low-carbon objectives can best be realised, including the levels of investment required and the sources of funding to be utilised;
  • The Council definition of sustainable development already shows that almost all relevant industry and service sectors are affected.
  • data supplied by relevant industry organisations or other concerned parties; and
  • In this regard, it is noted that the relevant industry association has been involved in the proceeding since its initiation.
  • The relevant industry association (Euro Chlor) submitted information in 2004 indicating that there had been a further decrease in the use of SCCPs in all applications since 2001.
  • Amendment 3: The amendment highlights the need for consultation and collaboration between the Commission and the relevant industry, to which the Commission agrees.
  • Discussion on this development, i.e. with the relevant industry, could be part of a new intersessional process;
  • The fund shall be created on the basis of fees from the relevant industry and sectors concerned as referred to in Article 2, proportional to the amount of mercury sent for temporary storage.
  • For example, as the CID's Frank Neffke has shown, when new industries are launched in German and Swedish cities, it is mostly because entrepreneurs and firms from other cities move in, bringing with them skilled workers with relevant industry experience.
  • Development of relevant industry (demand for research results and demand for private contracted research)
  • The nature of these agencies has also changed: whereas the first agencies were entirely funded out of the Community budget, the new-generation agencies are financed both by public funds (subsidies) and by the fees paid by the relevant industry.
  • Calls on the Commission to present as soon as possible new legislative instruments which protect individuals against unsolicited electronic messages of whatever kind and, in cooperation with the relevant industry, to devise the requisite technical measures;
  • Before the adoption of the implementing measures referred to in the first paragraph, the Commission shall consult the relevant industry organisations and non-governmental organisations promoting environmental protection and shall report on the outcome of the consultations and how they have been taken into account.
  • information on the relevant benchmarks for the company (e.g. normal rates of return required by the beneficiary to undertake similar projects, cost of capital of the company as a whole, relevant industry benchmarks):
  • Of course, nothing stops the relevant industry voluntarily adopting specific GMPs for a specific product.
  • NRAs should cooperate with each other in order to define appropriate technical specifications for wholesale broadband access products provided over NGAs and provide information to international standards bodies in order to facilitate the development of relevant industry standards.


  • pertinent industry
  • appropriate industry
  • connected industry
  • associated industry
  • corresponding industry

related industry

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to an industry that has some connection or association with the topic being discussed.


  • The company operates in a related industry.
  • Her expertise extends to related industries.
  • The report covers trends in related industries.
  • They are exploring opportunities in related industries.
  • The event attracts professionals from related industries.
  • A slight increase can be observed in 2004, which was an exceptionally prosperous year for the steel business and its related industry.
  • In the current debate the Commission has suggested that the global financial and economic crisis has had a deeply negative impac t on the related industry.
  • Added-value to the textile and related industry, to EU know-how and to economic growth.
  • The EESC is concerned that if comprehensive and effective action is not taken, the health of coastal and marine tourism, Europe's biggest sea related industry, will be at stake.
  • The Commission acknowledges that with the land sale Malta pursues its strategy to develop the aviation related industry in Malta in order to increase employment in this sector.
  • The objective is twofold: to promote the creation of an RTD-intensive European nano-technology related industry, and to promote the uptake of nano-technologies in existing industrial sectors.
  • This decision will affect at least 900 workers, including those in related industries.
  • Taking into account jobs in mining-related industries, this could jeopardise up to 100000 jobs.
  • Thirdly, hard-hit shipping and related industries have simply moved away from the Community which has obviously resulted in further job losses.
  • Due to the spill, fisherman and fishing-related industries have been hit the worst.
  • Thus, a first area of action is obviously to help maintain and develop these skills, in the car industry or in related industries.
  • Due to the spill, fisherman and fishing-related industries have been hit the worst.
  • In December 1997, the Commission launched its work in this field by adopting a communication entitled "Implementing European strategy in the field of defence-related industries".
  • Strategic research agendas of other European technology platforms may be supported where they are of major importance for health-related industries.
  • This report on the forest-based and related industries covers just about every important area imaginable, and very much of what it says is correct.
  • This agency is also something that almost all operators in sea-related industries want.
  • It was said that biomass shall mean the biodegradable fraction of products from agriculture, forestry and related industries.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, following on from its 1996 communication, in 1997 the Commission put forward an action plan for defence-related industries.
  • Mr President, the European Commission wants to implement a European strategy on defence-related industries.
  • Indeed, in addition to aviation, there are all kinds of related industries, including tourism, that have been hit hard.


  • associated industry
  • connected industry
  • corresponding industry
  • linked industry
  • affiliated industry

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