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release the burden vs reduce the burden

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Release the burden' implies completely removing or freeing oneself from a burden, while 'reduce the burden' suggests lessening the weight or impact of a burden without necessarily eliminating it. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to convey the idea of complete removal or just a partial alleviation of the burden.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 5135 views

release the burden

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to convey the idea of completely removing or freeing oneself from a burden.

This phrase is used when you want to express the act of completely getting rid of a burden or freeing yourself from it.


  • I finally released the burden of guilt that I had been carrying for years.
  • Releasing the burden of past mistakes allowed her to move forward with a clear mind.


  • let go of the burden
  • shed the burden
  • unload the burden
  • dissipate the burden
  • cast off the burden

reduce the burden

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to convey the idea of lessening the weight or impact of a burden without necessarily eliminating it.

This phrase is used when you want to express the act of making a burden lighter or more manageable, without completely removing it.


  • We need to find ways to reduce the burden on our healthcare system.
  • By delegating tasks, we can reduce the burden on individual team members.
  • Administrative data sources may be used to reduce the burden on respondents.
  • Second, the government must reduce the burden of social security contributions on the business sector.
  • More efficient energy use may reduce the burden on the most vulnerable consumers and eradicate energy poverty.
  • In addition, energy efficiency may also have a beneficial influence on the competitiveness of European industry, and may reduce the burden on our environment.
  • As a general rule, substandard vessels shall be checked more often to reduce the burden of inspections for quality vessels.
  • While maintaining established quality standards wherever possible, Member States are free to use administrative data or to restrict the range of economic sectors to be considered, in order to reduce the burden on businesses (Article 5).
  • How can a modern finance function reduce the burden of financial reporting?
  • Going forward, Panasonic will continue to reduce the burden of household work while delivering even gentler cleaning and more beautifully finished results.
  • Public health interventions aim to reduce the burden of disease and increase the quality of life of populations.
  • This could reduce the burden of subsidies on the government budget and spawn profitable enterprises able to pay taxes.
  • Considering the current property situation, the European Parliament should continue with the early repayment method in order to reduce the burden of property expenditure on its future budgets.
  • My constituents, as motorcyclists, are broadly in favour of proposals that will reduce the burden on manufacturers internationally and reduce costs in the long term.
  • However, improving early diagnosis and effective management of atrial fibrillation would help reduce the burden of stroke in Europe.
  • In order to ensure a more effective fight against bluetongue and reduce the burden it poses on the agricultural sector, the current rules on vaccination need to be updated.
  • Since economic governance regards public debt as equivalent to a deficit, we should make every effort to ensure that the medium-term budgetary framework which is put in place helps to reduce the burden on future generations.
  • In order to reduce the burden on industry, and particularly on small firms, the Chemicals Agency will provide tools to facilitate the submission of data.
  • Calls on the Member States to extend their efforts to reduce the burden resulting from purely national legislation;
  • The Commission will bring forward proposals this year to modernise and simplify VAT rules so as to reduce the burden on businesses, particularly on SMEs.
  • The mechanism is expected to improve medical services and reduce costs for hospitals, and most of all to reduce the burden on patients.
  • Policies to reduce the burden of inefficient coal-fired plants, such as the definition of emission standards and levels of air pollution and the imposition of a price on CO2, already exist in several countries.


  • lighten the burden
  • alleviate the burden
  • lessen the burden
  • diminish the burden
  • ease the burden

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