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ready to delivery to us vs ready to deliver to us

A complete search of the internet has found that "ready to deliver to us " is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: April 17, 2018 • 50615 views

ready to delivery to us

More popular!

3,820,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • I thought they were ready to take delivery when I handed them to you.
  • You called me 20 minutes ago and said you had it ready to make delivery.
  • "Ready to make delivery" you says.
  • Adolpho, delivery ready at register three.
  • The ignitor is ready for delivery.
  • I got a beautiful package all ready for delivery.
  • Yes, ma'am... signed, sealed and ready for delivery.
  • Her Royal Thighness is ready for delivery.
  • Go down to the florist and see if the hydrangeas are ready for delivery.
  • What's ready for delivery, Dad?
  • The product is commercially ready for delivery in a wide range of food, beverage and dietary supplement formats.
  • testing of samples from a batch which is ready for delivery, or has been delivered, by the manufacturer or an approved body;
  • In addition, the whole salmon market from production to deliveries to consumers will be governed by fair competition.
  • use as ware potatoes intended for consumption, packed ready for direct delivery and use without repacking, and intended for such direct delivery and use, or
  • It is therefore appropriate that aid may cover all aspects of film creation, from story concept to delivery to the audience.
  • Information specific to deliveries to thermal power plants:
  • The Member States shall, by an official control system set up or approved by them, ensure that reproductive material from individual units of approval or lots remains clearly identifiable through the entire process from collection to delivery to the end user.
  • Since the justification is similar, this provision should also apply to deliveries to platforms and naval vessels and to victualling in third countries.
  • In Europe's energy system, losses in the supply chain from primary energy conversion to delivery to the final customer are today twice as big as the amount of end-energy consumed.
  • In order for the first SEPA deliveries to be ready by 2008, functional detailed plans and checklists are needed on all levels for each instrument.

ready to deliver to us

5 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Okay, I'm getting these ready to deliver to someoverseas investors.
  • Never threaten unless you're ready to deliver.
  • He was almost ready to deliver the peace.
  • When I call you again, be ready to deliver Malone.
  • When we got there, she was ready to deliver.
  • I want them ready to deliver...
  • We're ready to deliver the profile.
  • I was ready to deliver our second son when he had to go to the reserve camp.
  • Counselor, are you ready to deliver closing arguments?
  • We're just getting ready to deliver the profile, But I need you to do something.
  • He's ready to deliver these... Rich individuals on a silver platter to us.
  • Telling Darken Rahl that Queen Milena won't be ready to deliver the box for at least a week.
  • Are we ready to deliver this bad boy?
  • We are all aware that the international aid community stands ready to deliver immediately food, medicine and shelter to those who most need it.
  • Another week or so, we'll be ready to deliver the bunker buster Israel needs to take out Iran's nuclear enrichment plant at Natanz.
  • It is precisely from the Netherlands, a country that is always ready to deliver grand lectures on morality, that there arises a case that we see as more problematic.
  • We're just getting ready to deliver the profile,
  • That while you're pawing through my drawers, trying to find a way to tie me in, he's out there free and clear, ready to deliver another body.
  • This is the kind of Europe of which I think we should be proud; a Europe that is ready to deliver solidarity and help, showing great courage.
  • You have the weapons ready to deliver?

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