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reads as follows vs read as follows

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Reads as follows' is used when referring to something that is currently being read or presented, while 'Read as follows' is used when presenting a list or set of instructions.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 4241 views

reads as follows

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to something that is currently being read or presented.

This phrase is used to introduce a quotation, a list, or a set of instructions that is about to be read or presented.


  • The contract reads as follows: 'The buyer agrees to pay the seller within 30 days.'
  • The email reads as follows: 'Please find attached the requested documents.'
  • Annex III reads as follows:A.
  • Point 45 of the relevant resolution reads as follows:
  • Paragraph 12 reads as follows, 'industrial policy should lead to balanced development, by maintaining social cohesion'.
  • Paragraph 1(bf) reads as follows:
  • On page 8, Aid XE 24/07 reads as follows:
  • In the Portuguese version, the title reads as follows:
  • Section 97(10) reads as follows: 'An employee can work a maximum of 400 hours overtime in a calendar year.
  • Paragraph 3 of that Rule reads as follows:
  • Article 10 of the Protocol reads as follows:
  • My draft then reads as follows: 'Therefore the Commission intends to propose shortly to Parliament and Council the suggested amendment to Regulation No 1408/71'.
  • Article 9 of the PPI reads as follows:
  • The future new Article 158 amended by the Lisbon Treaty reads as follows:
  • Point 9 of Annex II to the GPSD reads as follows: 'The Commission may inform the national contact points regarding products posing serious risks, imported into or exported from the Community and the European Economic Area'.
  • Section The end of the first sentence reads as follows:
  • the title of Chapter 8a reads as follows:
  • My second amendment reads as follows: 'believes that it is not possible, for financial and political reasons, to apply the principles of the EU's structural policy to Turkey'.
  • Article 178, Title XX of the consolidated Treaties of the European Union reads as follows: "The Community shall take account of the objectives referred to in Article 177 in the policies that it implements which are likely to affect developing countries".
  • The Proposal is based on Article 31 (Title II Chapter 3: Health and Safety) EAEC, which reads as follows:
  • The rapporteur proposes to change this legal basis to Article 192 TFEU, which reads as follows:
  • The third paragraph of page 9 of the document reads as follows: "need to combine complementary expertise in the different countries, particularly in the case of interdisciplinary issues, and to carry out comparative studies on a European scale".


  • states as follows
  • says as follows
  • is as follows
  • goes as follows
  • presents as follows

read as follows

This phrase is correct and commonly used when presenting a list or set of instructions.

This phrase is used to introduce a list, a set of instructions, or any other written content that follows the introductory phrase.


  • The steps to reset your password read as follows: Step 1 - Go to the login page. Step 2 - Click on 'Forgot Password'. Step 3 - Follow the instructions on the screen.
  • The recipe read as follows: 'Mix the flour, sugar, and eggs in a bowl.'
  • After the first paragraph a new table is inserted to read as follows:
  • In the amended version, the sentence would therefore read as follows:
  • Page 16 should read as follows:
  • Directive 2004/41/EC should read as follows:
  • Sections 4 to 4.2 read as follows:
  • Sections 1 and 2 read as follows:
  • The conversion table should read as follows:
  • The French notification should read as follows:
  • On page 72, the list should read as follows:
  • Recommendation 2004/384/EC should read as follows:
  • On page 1, the introductory sentence should read as follows:
  • Points 2.17 to 2.21 are added to read as follows:
  • Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Decision read as follows:
  • 4 If the business has not agreed to bear the cost of returning the goods, the text in parentheses should read as follows: 'at your own expense'.
  • The relevant provisions read as follows:
  • Item 4 should read as follows:
  • It should read as follows: starting with complete freedom of movement.
  • Such a sentence could read as follows.
  • Recognition and Measurement to read as follows:
  • My Written Question E-4378/09 read as follows:'... 1.


  • are as follows
  • say as follows
  • list as follows
  • present as follows
  • show as follows

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