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raise some concerns vs raise concerns

Both 'raise some concerns' and 'raise concerns' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Raise some concerns' implies that there are a few specific concerns being brought up, while 'raise concerns' is more general and can refer to any number of concerns. The choice between the two depends on the level of specificity you want to convey.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 2195 views

raise some concerns

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to highlight a few specific concerns that need to be addressed or discussed.


  • I'd like to raise some concerns about the new project timeline.
  • The report raised some concerns about the company's financial stability.
  • I would raise some concerns about the Commission's powers of enforcement in terms of infringement proceedings as we move towards enlargement.
  • Okay. A guy named Bug didn't raise some concerns?
  • This does, of course, raise some concerns but we should try to find, if possible, a harmonised position regarding the utilisation of any security device at European airports.
  • Many of my colleagues have mentioned that it was very important that Parliament was able to raise some concerns and make improvements to the process.
  • In the light of the forthcoming consultation due to take place on 23 May 2008 and the Commission's impact assessment of the legislation to be carried out by 3 different companies, I would like to raise some concerns and questions to the Commission in advance.
  • Your honor can see an expunged war record of a star witness raises some concerns.
  • The proposal raises some concern from the point of view of the protection of fundamental rights.
  • The Commission has proposed a series of amendments to the regulations, however, and this raises some concerns for us.
  • This year was the inauguration of the semester and the EP raises some concerns.
  • This raises some concerns as to the compatibility of section 68 of the ICA 1982 with the 3LD.
  • The increases in advance payments foreseen by the recent changes in the regulation imply therefore that a greater amount of Structural Funds will stay less monitored or unmonitored at all, which raises some concerns.
  • Parliament also raises some legitimate concerns about the need to ensure that developing countries fully benefit from the WTO system.
  • In addition, Article 18, which deals with data collection for statistical and monitoring purposes, raises some specific concerns.
  • However, the current language of the draft under negotiation raises some serious concerns, namely: (a)
  • Basically, although we should give the final version of the agreement as adopted by the Council the broad approval it deserves, for the reasons I have mentioned, it still raises some particular concerns.
  • Mr President, when I discuss the issue of enlargement with my constituents, many of them raise concerns about some of the previous enlargements.
  • We are all aware that the idea of increased agricultural imports into the EU, particularly for the larger emerging economies, is liable to raise concerns in some Member States and I certainly do not under-estimate those concerns.
  • Although the Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection did not raise any formal reservations in its 2001 Annual Activity Report, it did raise concerns about weaknesses related to the management of past projects.
  • In the old Member States it raises concerns about job losses, and in the new Member States the concerns are about stopping production and wholesale redundancies.
  • The available date are inadequate, but they raise concern for man.


  • express some concerns
  • voice some concerns
  • mention some concerns
  • bring up some concerns
  • highlight some concerns

raise concerns

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is more general and can be used to indicate the act of bringing up any concerns or issues, without specifying a particular number.


  • The employees raised concerns about the new work schedule.
  • The study raised concerns about the impact of climate change.
  • The Commission will continue to raise concerns about human rights at all levels, from the summit down.
  • This covers situations not covered by the Commission text such as transit, where the nature of the products and their final destination may raise concerns, or imports of firearms for example.
  • The Authority indicated that the evaluated use for cyromazine in escarole may raise concerns of consumer protection.
  • It indicated that the proposed MRLs for strawberries, peppers, cucumbers and courgettes may raise concerns of consumer protection.
  • A second point I wanted to raise concerns animal transport.
  • Another issue I would like to raise concerns visas for all European citizens travelling to the United States.
  • Activist groups raise concerns about the repatriation process.
  • This impurity is found in the technical material at levels which raise concerns.
  • The possibility of the occurrence of congestions may raise concerns on the possible exploitation of temporary bottlenecks that could increase local market power.
  • Active substances which raise concerns because of their developmental neurotoxic effects are to be included in a special list of candidates for substitution.
  • The issue I would like to raise concerns taxation of the fuel transported in the tanks of Lithuanian locomotives entering Lithuania from non-EU countries.
  • The first point I would like to raise concerns the protection of European public services, for we have witnessed a dangerous shift in recent months.
  • In the note sent to Fides, the Commission notes: "We are among the many ecclesial and social organizations that raise concerns for the most vulnerable groups: their life circumstances are rarely presented as important political priorities during electoral campaigns".
  • Dossiers compiled by Erik Millstone from the University of Sussex and sent to EFSA raise concerns about previous studies (i.e. apparently rats being replaced and tumours being simply left out of the results).
  • The above problems raise concerns about the political will of the Serbian authorities to meet EU environmental protection requirements and implement the EU's Strategy for the Danube Region.
  • The third point I want to raise concerns document formats, because the PPE-DE Group has also requested a split vote on paragraph 7, concerning this point.
  • New information on the toxicology, consumer exposure or the expected pesticide residues has become available which indicates that the MRLs may raise concerns of consumer protection.
  • Is the Commission able to raise concerns over the use of these crates during discussions with the South African authorities?
  • Cases such as these highlight the insecurity of the investment climate in Serbia, particularly with regard to privatisation, and raise concerns about the independence of the justice system.
  • The third point I would like to raise concerns the issue of how to enable employees to participate in a company's share capital without that company needing to bear the relatively high costs of launching a prospectus.


  • express concerns
  • voice concerns
  • mention concerns
  • bring up concerns
  • highlight concerns

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