Which is correct:
"Quilts are damp" or "damp quilts"?

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Quilts are damp

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase indicates that the quilts themselves are damp or slightly wet.


  • After being caught in the rain, the quilts are damp and need to be dried.
  • The quilts are damp from the humidity in the room.


  • damp quilts
  • moist quilts
  • wet quilts
  • quilted dampness
  • dampened quilts

damp quilts

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase also indicates that the quilts are damp or slightly wet. The order of the words can be switched without changing the meaning.


  • She wrapped herself in the damp quilts to keep warm.
  • The damp quilts smelled musty after being stored in a damp basement.


  • quilts are damp
  • moist quilts
  • wet quilts
  • quilted dampness
  • dampened quilts
Both phrases are correct and interchangeable. They convey the same meaning, indicating that the quilts are moist or slightly wet. The order of the words can be switched without changing the overall message.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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