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Pursuit of freedom vs pursuit for

Both "pursuit of freedom" and "pursuit for freedom" are correct, but "pursuit of freedom" is more commonly used in English. The preposition "of" is the more appropriate choice when talking about pursuing a goal or objective.

Last updated: April 09, 2024 • 96 views

Pursuit of freedom

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the act of seeking or striving for freedom.


  • His pursuit of freedom led him to travel the world.
  • The country's history is marked by a relentless pursuit of freedom.
  • The pursuit of freedom is a fundamental human right.
  • She dedicated her life to the pursuit of freedom for all people.
  • The pursuit of freedom is a noble cause.
  • Fabrics from natural, green, colorful fashion, the pursuit of freedom and romantic feelings.
  • The upshot is that the pursuit of freedom, which was an important justification for the invasion, has been sacrificed in the process.
  • Mr Theurer spoke of the pursuit of freedom on the one hand, and of attractiveness on the other.
  • Hammarskjöld belongs among the prominent leaders in our history who lost their lives in their pursuit of freedom and their desire to make a difference in the world.
  • Through their commitment to nonviolent dialogue over revenge and hatred, they are the most inspiring forces in the pursuit of freedom, equality, justice and human dignity, all core universal values.
  • Thus this most recent thieving of yours, dead men at your door yet again in your pursuit of freedom.
  • Her life has been marked by intense passion in her pursuit of freedom from every type of conformism, with a touching and vulnerable generosity.
  • It shows that the willingness of many countries to join together in a common pursuit of freedom and happiness can now be achieved.
  • We also wish to strengthen the EU's ability to be a strong international partner in pursuit of freedom, peace and security.
  • In pursuit of freedom, justice, dignity and democracy and led by principles of equality and environmental sustainability, the Charter proclaims a new social contract, based upon mutual and peaceful coexistence and understanding between all strands of society.
  • The Spanish painter who was a student of Picasso, spent here the last twenty years of his life and visiting the museum takes you into a colorful world and conquers you with its commitment to the pursuit of freedom, democracy and justice.
  • It's all too easy to imagine him at the wheel of a Thun- derbird in pursuit of freedom among the many contradictions of an America we will continue to love and hate thanks to his wonderful songs.
  • Whereas the taking-up and pursuit of freedom to provide services should be subject to procedures guaranteeing the insurance undertaking's compliance with the provisions regarding both financial guarantees and conditions of insurance;
  • Like other great men before him, he gave his life selflessly in pursuit of freedom... and a better future.
  • They are very talented martial arts Very powerful Their pursuit of freedom


  • quest for freedom
  • search for freedom
  • striving for freedom
  • desire for freedom
  • drive for freedom

pursuit for

This phrase is not commonly used in English. The preposition "of" is more appropriate in this context.

  • May 17, 2010 ... Hey everyone. I was just wondering if you could help me with something. We're having a heated debate here on the use of "pursuit for" ...
  • Jul 20, 2015 ... Goal setting and strategies to enhance goal pursuit for adults with acquired disability participating in rehabilitation. Cochrane Database ...
  • Feb 6, 2017 ... A pursuit for the better. A pursuit for the better. In My Own Words: Jamal Jefferson '15S (MBA), '19M (MD). Speaking at a University event in ...
  • Apr 29, 2021 ... Since Sodam keep changing elements, is it a good idea to trade S4: Escalating Pursuit for S4: Transmutation Cycle to change our weapon element ...
  • 6 days ago ... métier implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted. ... More from Merriam-Webster on pursuit. Nglish: ...
  • Apr 21, 2015 ... The Pursuit For One's Passion. Report this article; Close menu. Shawn Nason. Shawn Nason. Experience ...
  • Pursuit For Adventure · Shorts · Beef Stroganoff in the Ice Tent #shorts · Fall Camping with our Canvas Tent. · FINALLY Catch a Keeper! · EPIC DAY! · Autumn Canoe ...
  • Table of Contents. Introduction; Goal Pursuit: An Overview; Goal Pursuit for Student Affairs: Theory to Practice; The Practitioner's Toolkit: How to Implement ...
  • Embracing a Unified Pursuit For the full context and conversation watch this entire episode of the Green Room podcast: YouTube.com/irisglobal...
  • Jun 20, 2011 ... Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Signal Recovery With Noise. Abstract: We consider the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm for the ...

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