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provide evidence on vs provide evidence for

Both 'provide evidence on' and 'provide evidence for' are commonly used phrases in English. They are often interchangeable, but 'provide evidence for' is more widely used and accepted. 'Provide evidence on' can also be used in specific contexts, but 'provide evidence for' is generally preferred.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 4861 views

provide evidence on

This phrase is correct but less commonly used than 'provide evidence for'. It can be used in specific contexts.

This phrase is used when referring to the topic or subject of the evidence being provided. It is less common than 'provide evidence for'.
  • provide evidence on how to substantiate requests for adjustments;
  • The exporter's internal traceability system shall provide evidence on the legality of timber for export licensing.
  • (d) the request to provide evidence on sound financial status and professional standing in accordance with paragraph 3; and
  • If yes, please provide evidence on how the purpose of the relevant investment complies with the definition of production from renewable energy sources, as laid down in point 70(5) and (9) of the Environmental aid guidelines:
  • Charts B and C provide some evidence on the extent of heterogeneity across countries.
  • Spain must therefore indicate and provide sufficient evidence on particular tenders that were technologically neutral, on the basis of the conditions specified in paragraph 186 above.
  • Execution of the order will provide the evidence on which to base an action for the alleged infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • The first provides new evidence on wage-setting in Europe based on a firm-level survey.
  • It is important to provide sound evidence on healthy diets and to channel it to the consumer through enhanced dissemination strategies.
  • Moreover, Rusal group did not provide any evidence on why the profit margin used would not be reasonable.
  • Finally, Company 3 did not provide any evidence on the rental contract for the land and no information about terms, prices and payments.
  • The company contested the disclosed findings but did not provide any verifiable evidence on these issues.
  • The Applicant should provide evidence based on sensitive clinical studies (preferably studies investigating the relative potency) that a 20% difference lacks of clinical relevance.
  • If the answer to point A is yes, please provide evidence, on the basis of an up-to-date analysis of the beneficiary's balance sheet situation.
  • It may therefore be necessary to provide new evidence on the efficacy of the medicinal product to maintain a positive benefit-risk assessment.
  • I await with interest the result of the field trials currently being carried out in my own country, to see whether they provide any evidence on the effects of biodiversity.
  • Furthermore, the company was not able to provide any evidence on the transfer of shares between the previous and the new Chinese shareholder.
  • This survey should help over time to fill the gap regarding information on the financing conditions of SMEs in the euro area, since quantitative statistics provide very little evidence on the actual situation.
  • The information thus obtained did not, in substance, provide any new evidence on the interest of other economic sectors that could contest the conclusion reached in recital (217) of the provisional Regulation.
  • The UK authorities also deny that, contrary to the suggestion made by Altnet, tariffs for local loop unbundling provide any rental evidence on the basis of which BT's hereditament could have been assessed.


  • provide evidence for

provide evidence for

This phrase is widely accepted and commonly used in English. It is the preferred choice when indicating the support or justification provided by the evidence.

This phrase is used to indicate the support or justification provided by the evidence. It is more widely used and accepted than 'provide evidence on'.
  • each claimant must provide evidence for his claim;
  • However, a defendant cannot be required to provide evidence for the plaintiff.
  • He also shall provide evidence for his holdership.
  • Support will in particular be given to specific clinical studies to provide evidence for the appropriate use of off-patent products currently used off label in paediatric populations.
  • The company must also continue to be able to provide evidence for the prices used.
  • The rapporteur wishes to maintain the principle that the party alleging an infringement must prove it; thus, a defendant cannot be required to provide evidence for the claimant.
  • To obtain long-term resident status, third-country nationals must provide evidence for themselves and their families (if dependent):
  • Also they provide evidence for the lack of respect for human rights in that country and, of course, the explosive situation in the state of Chiapas.
  • The main problem here, visible throughout all these discussions, is that this must be done in such a way as to provide evidence for the Court of Auditors.
  • I should like you, Mr President, to make her say to whom she was referring - their full names - and to ask her to provide evidence for the statement made in this Chamber.
  • Enhanced health promotion and disease prevention: to provide evidence for the best public health measures in terms of life styles and interventions at different levels and in different contexts.
  • At the opening of the formal investigation, the Commission asked the Greek authorities to provide evidence for the proposition that private companies would have offered redundancy packages equal to 150 % of the minimum legal requirements.
  • Cedefop and the ETF should continue to support policy development and implementation, to report on progress towards the strategic objectives and the short-term deliverables, and to provide evidence for policy-making in VET.
  • In this context, it is primarily needed to assess the purpose of the intended processing of personal data: has the purpose been clearly identified, and does it provide evidence for its necessity and proportionality?
  • If the account holder was required to provide evidence for a particular piece of information upon opening the account or the nomination of an authorised representative or additional authorised representative, the notification of changes shall likewise be accompanied with the required evidence.
  • Furthermore, a number of factors including the relative levels of prices, the availability of spare capacities, and the ability to switch from the production of other footwear to the product concerned provide evidence for an increase in imported quantities if measures are repealed.
  • For platforms that are or will be a sub-platform or subsidiary of an existing stock exchange, please provide evidence for the lack of finance that such a sub-platform would face:
  • each claimant must provide evidence for his claim
  • The obligation on the promoter to provide evidence for a period of up to six months is sufficient to allow sales-promotion activities to be monitored.
  • If this directive were adopted, it would then be up to the accused employer to prove his innocence, not up to the accuser to provide evidence for his claim.


  • provide evidence on

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