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progress amongst various areas vs progress in various areas

Both phrases are correct, but "progress in various areas" is more commonly used in English. The preposition 'in' is generally used to indicate location or position, while 'amongst' is used less frequently and is more formal.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 790 views

progress amongst various areas

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is more formal and less common than 'progress in various areas'. 'Amongst' is used to indicate a relationship or connection between different areas.
  • The absence of any amendments to this report indicates the large measure of agreement amongst various political groupings that the best and most appropriate course of action is to refer it back.
  • I also hope that this European Parliament will reject the package of measures presented by certain Socialist Members, whose approach runs counter to the negotiations that have already taken place amongst various political groups.
  • And I started calling these phone numbers, attaching every various area code.
  • Experience of managing external contractors in various areas of communications activity;
  • Meteor-like activities that have been seen in various areas in North America...
  • We always have various missions in the planning stages... directed towards various areas, including Latin America.
  • Efficient policies in those domains require statistical information across various areas.
  • The EU and Ukraine were agreed that the enlargement process creates new opportunities and challenges in various areas.
  • The pathologist found extensive bruising across various areas of her body.
  • - as well as initiatives aimed at helping build capacity in these various areas.
  • It is up to the national authorities to define specific policies for the various areas of activity.
  • The open method of coordination is used for various areas connected with retirement.
  • Europe should promote the sharing of experience in relation to health education in the various areas.
  • New powers have arisen and are becoming actively involved in global policy in various areas.
  • The Commission, Parliament and Council have failed to agree on the legal basis in various areas.
  • My colleagues will speak further about the various areas of policy.
  • Higher levels of integration in various areas make it possible to increase development and progress.
  • Rail freight is also a very important factor in the various areas of operation of transport.
  • The need to protect the environment has prompted the EU institutions to make every effort to implement policies to encourage, amongst various other related priorities, the mindful recycling of waste, also through more forceful policies on 'green' public procurement.
  • Despite the progress achieved in various areas, the continent as a whole continues to be characterised by an unequal distribution of income, wealth and power.


  • progress in various areas
  • progress across various areas
  • progress within various areas
  • progress throughout various areas
  • progress within different areas

progress in various areas

This phrase is commonly used in English.

'Progress in various areas' is the more commonly used phrase to indicate advancement or development in different fields or sectors.
  • Despite the progress achieved in various areas, the continent as a whole continues to be characterised by an unequal distribution of income, wealth and power.
  • The progress made in various areas of society, the economy and politics in recent years gives us good reason to note how the desire to accede to the European Union can successfully lead to major reforms in countries where this possibility exists.
  • When we analyse the global strategy - and this is the content of the synthesis report - the emphasis is on the need to make progress in the various areas simultaneously in order to achieve the goals we set in Lisbon.
  • The Interim Agreement is the most effective way of ensuring that Turkmenistan makes progress in the various key areas which I have outlined, not least in respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
  • The 9th EU/Russia Summit will take place in Moscow on 29 May; during that summit we will assess the progress in our relations in various areas, on the basis of the results achieved since the last summit, which took place in Brussels last October.
  • Judging by the progress made by Montenegro in various areas, it is clear that the country is taking preparations for European integration seriously.
  • This particular report has opted to support the Turkish Government by trying to place undue emphasis on the progress Turkey is making in various areas, which is contrary to reality.
  • Will the Commission please state how many projects are currently in progress in the various subject areas?
  • a report from the Council to the European Parliament on the application of the indicators and benchmarks established, so that an assessment may be made of the extent to which the Member States have made progress in the various sub-areas;
  • Furthermore, the report stresses the technologies progress achieved in the various policy areas which play a major role in the new strategy: the single market, cohesion policy and agricultural policy.
  • Specifically, I am also delighted to tell the European Parliament that, in various areas of my responsibility, we have made progress in this direction of openness and competitiveness.
  • The coming into effect of the Treaty of Lisbon is a unique opportunity for significant progress in human rights and democracy, which from now on should become a central element in various areas of foreign policy in particular.
  • Higher levels of integration in various areas make it possible to increase development and progress.
  • Competition between countries in various areas is one of the most important explanations for the great progress made by the Western world in recent centuries.
  • This assessment is not overly enthusiastic because, although it reports on progress made, it also highlights the fact that a great deal is still to be done in various areas.
  • Experience of managing external contractors in various areas of communications activity;
  • Meteor-like activities that have been seen in various areas in North America...
  • The EU and Ukraine were agreed that the enlargement process creates new opportunities and challenges in various areas.
  • New powers have arisen and are becoming actively involved in global policy in various areas.
  • The Commission, Parliament and Council have failed to agree on the legal basis in various areas.


  • progress across various areas
  • progress within various areas
  • progress throughout various areas
  • progress within different areas
  • progress in different areas

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