Which is correct:
"prior notification" or "prior notice"?

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prior notification

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase refers to informing someone in advance about something that will happen or has happened. It is often used in formal or official contexts.


  • We need to provide prior notification before making any changes to the schedule.
  • The policy requires prior notification of any absence from work.
  • Please give us prior notification if you plan to attend the event.


  • advance notification
  • preliminary notification
  • early notification
  • prior warning
  • prior advice

prior notice

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase also means informing someone in advance about something that will happen or has happened. It is commonly used in various contexts, including legal, business, and everyday communication.


  • The landlord must give the tenant prior notice before entering the property.
  • Employees are entitled to receive prior notice of any changes to their working conditions.
  • Please provide us with prior notice if you need to cancel the appointment.


  • advance notice
  • preliminary notice
  • early notice
  • prior warning
  • prior advice
Both 'prior notification' and 'prior notice' are correct phrases in English. They are often used interchangeably to refer to informing someone in advance about something. The choice between the two may depend on personal preference or specific context.

Last updated: April 01, 2024

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