Which one is correct?
"pressured by a defender" or "pressed by a defender"?

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pressured by a defender

This phrase is correct and can be used in various contexts outside of sports to indicate feeling the influence or force of an opponent.

This phrase is more general and can be used in everyday situations to describe feeling the impact or influence of someone trying to force a decision or action.


  • She felt pressured by a defender in the negotiation.
  • He was pressured by a defender to make a quick decision.
  • The company was pressured by a defender to change its policies.
  • The team was pressured by a defender's aggressive tactics.
  • The politician was pressured by a defender to take a stand on the issue.


  • influenced by a defender
  • forced by a defender
  • coerced by a defender
  • pushed by a defender
  • urged by a defender

pressed by a defender

This phrase is correct and commonly used in sports contexts to describe a player being closely marked or challenged by an opponent.

This phrase is commonly used in sports, especially in soccer, basketball, and other team sports, to indicate that a player is under close scrutiny or challenge from an opposing player.


  • He was constantly pressed by a defender throughout the match.
  • The striker managed to score despite being pressed by a defender.
  • She struggled to find space as she was pressed by a defender.
  • The team's strategy involved pressing the opponents by multiple defenders.
  • The player's skill in handling being pressed by a defender was evident.


  • marked by a defender
  • challenged by a defender
  • closely guarded by a defender
  • shadowed by a defender
  • hounded by a defender
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Pressed by a defender' is commonly used in sports to describe a player being closely marked or challenged by an opponent. 'Pressured by a defender' is more general and can be used in various situations outside of sports to indicate feeling the influence or force of an opponent.

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

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