Which is correct:
"prediction of ongoing" or "prediction of ongoing sea level change"?

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prediction of ongoing

This phrase is incomplete and does not convey a clear meaning on its own.

This phrase needs additional context or information to make sense. It could be part of a larger sentence or description.

prediction of ongoing sea level change

This phrase is correct and conveys a clear prediction related to sea level change.

This phrase is used to describe a forecast or estimation of the ongoing changes in sea level.


  • Scientists made a prediction of ongoing sea level change based on climate models.
  • The study focused on the prediction of ongoing sea level change in coastal regions.
  • The accuracy of the prediction of ongoing sea level change was confirmed by satellite data.
  • Understanding the factors influencing the prediction of ongoing sea level change is crucial for coastal planning.
  • The prediction of ongoing sea level change highlighted the need for adaptation strategies.


  • forecast of ongoing sea level change
  • estimation of ongoing sea level change
  • projection of ongoing sea level change
  • anticipation of ongoing sea level change
  • expectation of ongoing sea level change
The phrase 'prediction of ongoing sea level change' is correct, while 'prediction of ongoing' is incomplete and does not make sense on its own. The addition of 'sea level change' clarifies the prediction being made, making the phrase meaningful and complete.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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