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pouring over affection to vs pouring over love to

Both phrases are incorrect. The correct phrase is 'pouring over affection for' or 'pouring over love for'. The preposition 'for' is used to indicate the recipient of the pouring over, not 'to'.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 639 views

pouring over affection to

This phrase is incorrect. The preposition 'to' is not used in this context.

The correct phrase is 'pouring over affection for'. Use 'for' to indicate the recipient of the affection being poured over.
  • We've spent all week pouring over the notes of every meeting I interpreted for Bart.
  • Pouring over the obituaries to find people worthy of joining my White Army.
  • You can't keep pouring over those files.
  • In working up this cure, I've been pouring over records That reveal the full extent of your program.
  • All that blood and hot water was pouring over her... and down onto the white of the bath.
  • I thought you just said the pouring over the past is not important?
  • We spent the whole weekend in that room pouring over this bill line by line, and nowhere did it say anything about collective bargaining.
  • And when we think about the classic image of the scientist in the lab, we have this image - you know, they're pouring over the microscope, and they see something in the tissue sample.
  • Did not - We spent the whole weekend in that room pouring over this bill line by line, and nowhere did it say anything about collective bargaining.
  • Carlos transferred his affection to a turkey.
  • Don't smother your child with affection to compensate for not having a man in your life.
  • I'd even say almost with affection to our unhappy client.
  • Leveraging affection to get what you want?
  • And just enough affection to keep me hooked.
  • Show cold and distant affection to son!
  • To show affection to the birth-ed one, they give presents.
  • Eddie had a hard time showing his affection to Karen.
  • But now she's transferred his affection to me.
  • We only show affection to dogs and horses.
  • And Charlotte learned you don 't have to rely on men's affections to get things fixed around the house.


  • pouring over affection for

pouring over love to

This phrase is incorrect. The preposition 'to' is not used in this context.

The correct phrase is 'pouring over love for'. Use 'for' to indicate the recipient of the love being poured over.
  • Step over love to pick up pride and guilt.
  • We've spent all week pouring over the notes of every meeting I interpreted for Bart.
  • Pouring over the obituaries to find people worthy of joining my White Army.
  • You can't keep pouring over those files.
  • In working up this cure, I've been pouring over records That reveal the full extent of your program.
  • All that blood and hot water was pouring over her... and down onto the white of the bath.
  • I thought you just said the pouring over the past is not important?
  • We spent the whole weekend in that room pouring over this bill line by line, and nowhere did it say anything about collective bargaining.
  • And when we think about the classic image of the scientist in the lab, we have this image - you know, they're pouring over the microscope, and they see something in the tissue sample.
  • Did not - We spent the whole weekend in that room pouring over this bill line by line, and nowhere did it say anything about collective bargaining.
  • We know what it's like today, children pouring over with their mobile phones on the one hand and then reluctantly going to school to pick up their books with their other hand.
  • Come... look... I've been pouring over the photos you brought me:
  • How does it happen that tradition prevails over love?
  • No one makes a big fuss over love these days
  • But he's not the type to bend his principles over love.
  • Why do I always choose fear over love?
  • You know, it is a rare man that could understand how a woman could choose work over love.
  • And juries just love to hang cops.
  • Their supporters would love to abolish cheap flights.
  • Participants also love to attach memories to places.


  • pouring over love for

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