Which is correct:
"political trajectory" or "political history"?

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political trajectory

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the path or direction of a political entity or individual over time.

It is used to describe the course of political development, changes, or trends over a period of time.


  • The country's political trajectory shifted dramatically after the election.
  • Her political trajectory took her from a local activist to a national leader.
  • The political trajectory of the party has been marked by ups and downs.


  • political path
  • political course
  • political direction
  • political development

political history

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the past events, actions, and developments in politics.

It is used to describe the historical events, actions, and changes that have occurred in the realm of politics.


  • The book provides a comprehensive overview of the country's political history.
  • Studying political history helps us understand the present political landscape.
  • The museum exhibits artifacts related to the political history of the region.


  • political past
  • political background
  • political evolution
  • political chronicles
Both 'political trajectory' and 'political history' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Political trajectory' refers to the path or direction of a political entity or individual over time, while 'political history' refers to the past events, actions, and developments in politics. They are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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