Which is correct:
"please have a look at my last year" or "you got an amazing year"?

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please have a look at my last year

This phrase is correct and commonly used when asking someone to review or consider events or experiences from the past year.

This phrase is typically used when you want someone to examine or pay attention to what happened in the previous year, such as achievements, challenges, or memories.


  • Please have a look at my last year's performance report.
  • Can you have a look at my last year's goals and see how I did?
  • I want you to have a look at my last year's project and give me feedback.
  • She asked me to have a look at her last year's diary entries.
  • Having a look at my last year's expenses, I realized I need to budget better.

you got an amazing year

This phrase is correct and can be used to express admiration or praise for someone's past year, indicating that it was exceptionally good or successful.

This phrase is typically used to compliment someone on the positive experiences, achievements, or events they had in the previous year.


  • You really got an amazing year with all your accomplishments!
  • Congratulations on getting an amazing year in terms of personal growth.
  • I hope you get an amazing year filled with happiness and success.
  • Despite the challenges, you got an amazing year in your career.
  • She got an amazing year with all the new opportunities that came her way.
The two phrases are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings. The first phrase is asking someone to review something from the past year, while the second phrase is expressing admiration for someone's past year. Therefore, they are used in different contexts and cannot be considered correct or incorrect in relation to each other.

Last updated: March 06, 2024

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