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please find my response below vs please find my response inlined below

Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English, but they have slightly different meanings and contexts. 'Please find my response below' is used when the response is located physically below the message, such as in an email or document. 'Please find my response inlined below' is used when the response is inserted directly into the message, usually as a quote or highlighted text. The choice between the two phrases depends on the format and layout of the communication.

Last updated: February 16, 2024 • 44559 views

please find my response below

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use this phrase when the response is located physically below the message, such as in an email or document.


  • Please find my response below.
  • I have included my response below for your reference.
  • You can find my response below the main text.
  • Sep 12, 2021 ... Appreciate your patience. Please find my response below: festus77: Will there be documentation on use of this forum? Because right now I ...
  • Please find my response below: The TX7332 EVM GUI is a 32bit application and will require a 32bit Python v2.7 for scripting feature. I would like to check ...
  • Please find my response below in relation to each question you have raised. a) You can cancel the GST and PAYGW if stop trading without cancelling the ABN ...
  • Nov 7, 2023 ... Please find my response below, I hope they clear up any confusion. Questions 1 & 2 are similar. I can see that you're currently in 100 Mbps ...
  • Hi Greg, Please find my response below. 1. Does AP orientation (horizontal/vertical) matter as long as the device isn't facing the back of the AP?
  • Please find my response below: Read More Suicide Prevention Week. Featured. Slay On. When I started State of Slay™ I was in a different place in my life. Since ...
  • May 9, 2024 ... Please find my response below: I have implemented the Rapid-Setup Lifecycle Process for multiple customers in the past 2–3 years and, till ...
  • Sep 6, 2021 ... ... and suicide prevention. I was recently asked while Zooming into an AIR event what I do to combat my fear. Please find my response below:
  • Sep 17, 2018 ... Please find my response below: 1) When I add new members to an existing list, will there be the dedup process? Which means if I add the same ...


  • My response is located below.
  • Below is my response.
  • Please see my response below.
  • My response can be found below.
  • Refer to my response below.

please find my response inlined below

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use this phrase when the response is inserted directly into the message, usually as a quote or highlighted text.


  • Please find my response inlined below.
  • I have inlined my response below for clarity.
  • You can see my response inlined below the main text.
  • please find my response below vs please find my response inlined below which is much better to use in a sentence. Which is more popular in English form?
  • please find my response below or please find my response inlined below? please see my comments inline or Please find my comments from below? please see my ...
  • Related Comparison · please find my response below or please find my response inlined below? · please see my comments inline or please check my comments below?


  • My response is inlined below.
  • Below is my inlined response.
  • Please see my inlined response below.
  • My inlined response can be found below.
  • Refer to my inlined response below.

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