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Please find attached list that was transferred to Rochester vs Please find attached list that transferred to Rochester

Both phrases have minor issues in terms of grammar. The correct version would be: 'Please find attached the list that was transferred to Rochester.' This version includes the necessary article 'the' before 'list' and corrects the preposition 'to' to 'to Rochester.'

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 683 views

Please find attached list that was transferred to Rochester

This phrase is not correct. It is missing the article 'the' before 'list' and the preposition 'to' should be followed by 'Rochester.'

The correct usage would be 'Please find attached the list that was transferred to Rochester.'
  • This implies that the licence-fee revenue transferred to TV2 can be considered equivalent to the maximum amount of licence-fee revenue that was transferred to the TV2 Fund in all the years in question minus any amounts transferred to TV2's regional stations.
  • I bet that was transferred there by Jessica.
  • For these reasons, the Commission considers that, in this specific case, the advertising revenue for the years 1995 and 1996 that was transferred to TV2 via TV2 Reklame and the TV2 Fund constitutes State resources.
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached two annexes with details of some of these crimes (source: LGBT Human Rights Platform Turkey).
  • Was transferred to the Force Protection Detachment in Marseille.
  • This says Wayne Deetsik was transferred to another facility.
  • The Army said Frank was transferred to another site.
  • Right? I mean, we found bacteria on the victim's tooth that was transferred from your phone.
  • It happened three years ago when Frieda was transferred to the canteen.
  • I was transferred to this town only recently.
  • Kendra's service record Says that she was transferred to another unit.
  • The moment I was transferred to the school.
  • He was transferred to another camp.
  • And just as I started my investigation, I was transferred to Paris.
  • Two years later, he was transferred to the more prestigious Groß-Lichterfelde near Berlin.
  • Bridget knows someone was transferred to Ansley.
  • I was transferred to a convalescent home.
  • The date a loan was transferred to the special Servicer following a servicing transfer event.
  • At 0500, detainee 4-9 was transferred to medical for pain in the abdomen.

Please find attached list that transferred to Rochester

This phrase is not correct. It is missing the article 'the' before 'list' and the preposition 'to' should be followed by 'Rochester.'

The correct usage would be 'Please find attached the list that was transferred to Rochester.'
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached two annexes with details of some of these crimes (source: LGBT Human Rights Platform Turkey).
  • Please find attached the European Health Insurance Card with number... as requested in section 7 11.2
  • For a detailed description of the situation please find attached the technical report drawn up by Professor G. B. De Medici and Professor F. Ortolani of Naples University on 7 February 2009.
  • Suitable for particular child restraints given on attached list.
  • The attached list was updated on 1 July 2005.
  • The attached list was updated on 1 April 2006.
  • L Suitable for particular child restraints given on attached list.
  • IL Suitable for particular ISOFIX child restraint systems (CRS) given in the attached list.
  • The following 3 figures indicate the measure, according to the attached list.
  • Every gas station from Middletown to Rochester.
  • I've never been to Rochester.
  • And then Thursday head to Rochester for lunch.
  • Tiberius, six of your fastest scouts to Rochester.
  • The application has been partially granted (for the granted rights see attached list).
  • The attached list shows the projects that have not carried out an EIA as stipulated by Article 6 of the Habitats Directive.
  • But... 27 days ago, money went out of the account to Rochester Power.
  • Delegations will find attached a draft of the final compromise text for a new procedure resulting from the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 8 June 2006.
  • In the style of that timeless literary creation Mr William Wonka, you'll find attached to each essay, a golden ticket.
  • The attached list shows all projects funded under the Health Promotion Programme since 1996, with a detailed breakdown of the budgets attributed to these projects.

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