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performance parameters such as vs performance parameters

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Performance parameters such as" is used when you want to provide examples of performance parameters, while "performance parameters" alone is used when you are referring to performance parameters in a general sense without listing specific examples.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 582 views

performance parameters such as

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when providing examples of performance parameters.

This phrase is used when you want to list specific examples of performance parameters. It is followed by a list of examples that illustrate the types of performance parameters being discussed.


  • Performance parameters such as response time, throughput, and latency are crucial for evaluating the system.
  • Key performance parameters such as memory usage and CPU utilization need to be monitored regularly.
  • System-particular performance parameters such as speed, payload, range, time- on-station, frequency, or other distinctly quantifiable performance features.
  • ... predicts the theoretical performance parameters such as density, detonation factor, velocity of detonation, detonation pressure and thermodynamic properties  ...
  • A test facility to measure performance of a micro gas turbine was set up and performance parameters such as turbine exit temperature, exhaust gas temperature, ...
  • You can also inspect key performance parameters, such as rise time, settling time , maximum overshoot, and stability margins. Available plots include step ...


  • examples of performance parameters like
  • performance metrics such as
  • performance indicators such as
  • performance criteria such as
  • performance measures such as

performance parameters

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to performance parameters in a general sense without providing specific examples.

This phrase is used when discussing performance parameters in a broad or general manner, without listing specific examples. It is a more concise way to refer to the concept of performance parameters.


  • The team is analyzing the performance parameters of the new software.
  • Performance parameters play a crucial role in determining the efficiency of the system.
  • Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) are specifications for what the critical performance goals are in a United States Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition ...
  • Key Performance Parameters (KPP) are key system capabilities that must be met in order for a system to meet its operational goals. The Capability Development ...
  • development of key performance parameters (KPPs) for capital asset projects within DOE. This handbook is not a requirements document. It is intended to ...
  • Jan 27, 2012 ... 2. Design Interface. 2.3. Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and Key System Attributes (KSAs). 2.3.1. Sustainment KPPs and KSAs 2.3.2.


  • parameters of performance
  • parameters related to performance
  • performance metrics
  • performance indicators
  • performance criteria

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