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perceiving illusion vs experiencing illusion

Both 'perceiving illusion' and 'experiencing illusion' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Perceiving illusion' focuses on the act of seeing or noticing an illusion, while 'experiencing illusion' encompasses a broader range of sensory and emotional responses to an illusion.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 666 views

perceiving illusion

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the act of seeing or noticing an illusion, often in the context of visual or sensory perception.


  • She was skilled at perceiving illusions in magic tricks.
  • His keen eye for detail allowed him to perceive the illusion in the painting.
  • Instead of perceiving no forms, you perceive faulty forms.
  • Maybe somehow he's unconsciously perceiving these creatures.
  • The high you get from perceiving someone as romantically appealing is simply your brain responding to an endorphin boost based on visual stimuli and pheromones.
  • I think perhap you're perceiving things that are entirely in your mind's eye.
  • The media time alone is worth 430 grand, plus the incalculable benefit of the public perceiving vicars to be heroes.
  • He should be perceiving us as just another part of his dream.
  • My guess is that the same thing is going to be true when humans are perceiving different financial decisions.
  • Women have manifested for thousands of years the strength arising from compassion in an unfiltered, unmediated way in perceiving suffering as it is.
  • Communication of the different ways of perceiving and dealing with Equal Opportunities in the Member States would greatly benefit development of new programmes.
  • For example, perceiving infrared is good because you can actually detect if there's movement detectors in a room.
  • The power and coherency that comes from one person hearing, perceiving and playing all the voices makes a very different experience.
  • The percentage of companies perceiving this risk has remained stable since 2003 (in 2008:87%).
  • Whatever weakness is that the General is perceiving would have to be his own.
  • What you're perceiving as pain is really the feedback loop eradicating your memory circuits.
  • In addition, the cultural faculty for perceiving and expressing oneself, as well as interpersonal and intersocial relations are extremely important in shaping personalities and mature citizens.
  • These may or may not lead to consumers perceiving prices to be high.
  • Everything we saw was an illusion.
  • Money, power is an illusion.
  • The illusion of possible national independence affects Israel too.
  • Concealing future inflation creates an illusion.


  • noticing illusion
  • detecting illusion
  • recognizing illusion
  • discerning illusion
  • spotting illusion

experiencing illusion

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe a broader range of sensory and emotional responses to an illusion, encompassing not just seeing but also feeling or perceiving the illusion in various ways.


  • The audience was captivated by the experience of illusion created by the magician.
  • She felt a sense of wonder while experiencing the illusion of the virtual reality game.
  • We are undoubtedly - I think no one should have any illusions about it - experiencing a crisis of severe proportions in the European Union between Parliament and the Commission.


  • encountering illusion
  • undergoing illusion
  • sensing illusion
  • feeling illusion
  • witnessing illusion

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