Which is correct:
"people in my job" or "people in my work"?

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people in my job

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to individuals who have the same occupation or profession as the speaker. It emphasizes the commonality of the job or work role.


  • I enjoy working with the people in my job.
  • The people in my job are very supportive.
  • I have met many interesting people in my job.


  • colleagues in my profession
  • individuals in my field
  • people in my line of work
  • co-workers in my industry
  • fellow workers in my occupation

people in my work

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to colleagues or coworkers within the same workplace. It highlights the people who work alongside the speaker.


  • I get along well with the people in my work.
  • The people in my work are very dedicated.
  • I appreciate the support of the people in my work.


  • colleagues in my workplace
  • co-workers in my office
  • individuals in my company
  • people in my organization
  • fellow workers in my team
Both 'people in my job' and 'people in my work' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'People in my job' refers to individuals who have the same occupation or profession as the speaker, while 'people in my work' can refer to colleagues or coworkers within the same workplace. The choice between the two depends on whether the focus is on the job itself or the workplace environment.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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