Which one is correct?
"around the area" or "over the area"?

around the area

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate a surrounding or nearby location relative to a specific area.

Use 'around the area' when you want to describe something located in the vicinity or surrounding area of a specific location.


  • There are many shops around the area.
  • The park is located around the area where the festival will be held.
  • The houses around the area are all painted in bright colors.
  • The security guards patrol around the area to ensure safety.
  • The restaurant is popular among people around the area.


  • near the area
  • surrounding the area
  • adjacent to the area
  • in the vicinity of the area
  • close to the area

over the area

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate a position directly above a specific area.

Use 'over the area' when you want to describe something positioned directly above a specific area.


  • The helicopter flew over the area to get a better view.
  • The clouds hung low over the area, casting a shadow.
  • The satellite orbits over the area, capturing images.
  • The drone hovered over the area, monitoring the situation.
  • The banner was displayed over the area for everyone to see.


  • above the area
  • across the area
  • covering the area
  • spanning the area
  • encompassing the area
Both 'over the area' and 'around the area' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Over the area' implies a position directly above the area, while 'around the area' suggests a surrounding or nearby location. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to convey a sense of being directly above or in the vicinity of the area.

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

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