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outstandingly bad vs outstanding bad

Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings. 'Outstandingly bad' means exceptionally or extremely bad, while 'outstanding bad' does not convey a clear meaning in English. Therefore, 'outstandingly bad' is the more commonly used and correct phrase.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 2432 views

outstandingly bad

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to mean exceptionally or extremely bad.

This phrase is used to emphasize how bad something is, indicating that it is exceptionally poor or terrible.


  • The service at that restaurant was outstandingly bad.
  • The movie received outstandingly bad reviews from critics.
  • Her behavior was outstandingly bad, causing a lot of trouble.
  • The company's financial performance was outstandingly bad this quarter.
  • The weather on our vacation was outstandingly bad, with rain every day.
  • Synonyms for egregious. adj outstandingly bad; outrageous. grievous star · scandalous star · deplorable star · flagrant star · heinous star · nefarious star.
  • May 11, 2015 ... I would have gotten a James Beard Award for Outstandingly Bad at Bread. I was he, I was that person. Helen: What is it, just, like—. Dan: It was ...
  • 1. outstandingly bad; flagrant: an egregious lie. 2. distinguished; eminent. [C16: from Latin ēgregius outstanding (literally: standing out from the herd), from ē- out  ...
  • 1Outstandingly bad; shocking: egregious abuses of copyright. More example sentences. That's the kind of service recovery you'd expect from a decent company, ...

outstanding bad

This phrase does not convey a clear meaning in English and is not commonly used.

  • Jul 31, 2013 ... July 31 (Bloomberg) -- Chinese banks' outstanding bad loans stood at 539.5 billion yuan ($88 billion) at the end of June, at a ratio of 0.96 ...
  • As one of the most outstanding bad credit car dealers, we are able to help customers tie down the bad credit auto loans for years. Not only does Gold Mill Ford ...
  • 5 days ago ... Outstanding bad loans at the end of March totalled 298 billion baht, up 21.1 billion baht from the preceding quarter, while total loans stood at 13 ...
  • reporting, days sales outstanding, bad debt write-offs, and similar data. Once the data has been collected, many organizations define goals for improving these ...

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