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open to the general public vs open to general public

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Open to the general public" is more formal and emphasizes that something is accessible to all members of the public. On the other hand, "open to general public" is a more casual and common way of expressing the same idea.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 1277 views

open to the general public

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal contexts to indicate that something is accessible to all members of the public.

This phrase is typically used in formal announcements, invitations, or official statements to indicate that an event, place, or service is available to all members of the public.


  • The museum is open to the general public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.
  • The concert is open to the general public, and tickets can be purchased online.
  • The park is open to the general public for recreational activities.
  • The library is open to the general public for borrowing books and resources.
  • The event is open to the general public, and no registration is required.
  • ... are considered to be important or who belong to a particular group: can be followed by a singular or plural verb. The meeting is not open to the general public.
  • The park is open to the general public. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. Comments & Questions. Comments & ...
  • Synonyms for general public at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
  • This listing includes all vacancies open to the general public. To view a vacancy's details, click on the title. To sort the listing by the values of a column, click on ...


  • accessible to the general public
  • available to the general public
  • open to everyone
  • open to all members of the public
  • open to public access

open to general public

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts to indicate that something is accessible to the public in general.

This phrase is more commonly used in everyday language or informal settings to convey that an event, place, or service is open to the public without any specific restrictions.


  • The park is open to general public for picnics and outdoor activities.
  • The store is open to general public for shopping during business hours.
  • The beach is open to general public for swimming and sunbathing.
  • The event is open to general public, so feel free to invite your friends.
  • The restaurant is open to general public for dining in or takeout.
  • Open To General Public. Home » Workshops » Open To General Public. ComputerLab, hand raised2. For more information or to sign up for one of these ...
  • Silverstone in-season Formula 1 test open to general public. Pirelli Media. By: Ryan Wood | 16 February 2016. British Formula 1 fans will get the opportunity to  ...
  • ... Featured Events · Lectures & Presentations · Multicultural · Open to General Public · Religious & Spiritual · Student Activities · Volunteer & Service · Reserve a  ...
  • Dec 16, 2015 ... MSC Seaside reservations to open to general public Dec. 29. Arlene SatchellSun Sentinel. Get your reservations in for MSC Cruises' newest ...


  • accessible to the public
  • available to the public
  • open to everyone
  • open to all
  • open to the public

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