Which is correct:
"on the wing" or "along the wing"?

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on the wing

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe something flying or in flight.

The phrase 'on the wing' is used to describe birds or aircraft that are flying. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is in motion or active.


  • The eagle soared on the wing, high above the mountains.
  • The aircraft was on the wing for hours before landing.
  • The team was on the wing, ready to score a goal.
  • The butterfly danced on the wing, captivating the audience.
  • The dragonfly hovered on the wing, waiting for its prey.


  • in flight
  • flying
  • airborne
  • aloft
  • soaring

along the wing

This phrase is correct and is used to indicate movement or position next to the wing of an aircraft or bird.

The phrase 'along the wing' is used to describe movement or position next to the wing of an aircraft or bird. It implies a sense of direction or proximity to the wing.


  • The mechanic walked along the wing of the airplane, inspecting it carefully.
  • The bird perched along the wing of the tree, watching the surroundings.
  • The photographer captured a stunning shot of the sunset along the wing of the aircraft.
  • The technician ran his hand along the wing, checking for any damage.
  • The pilot's shadow stretched along the wing as the plane flew into the sunset.


  • next to the wing
  • beside the wing
  • adjacent to the wing
  • by the wing
  • alongside the wing
Both "on the wing" and "along the wing" are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. "On the wing" is commonly used to describe something flying or in flight, while "along the wing" is used to indicate movement or position next to the wing of an aircraft or bird.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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