Which is correct:
"On the airplane" or "In the airplane"?

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On the airplane

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate being physically on the airplane, such as sitting in a seat.

Use 'on the airplane' when referring to being physically on the airplane, such as during a flight or while boarding.


  • I always get a window seat on the airplane.
  • The flight attendant served drinks to the passengers on the airplane.
  • There is limited space for carry-on luggage on the airplane.
  • The children were excited to be on the airplane for the first time.
  • She felt a bit nervous about flying on the airplane.


  • on the plane
  • aboard the airplane
  • inside the airplane
  • within the airplane
  • within the aircraft

In the airplane

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to being inside the airplane, encompassing the entire interior space.

Use 'in the airplane' when referring to being inside the airplane, such as discussing the layout or features of the interior.


  • The seats in the airplane were comfortable.
  • There was a long line for the restroom in the airplane.
  • The temperature in the airplane was a bit too cold.
  • The passengers felt cramped in the airplane.
  • The lights in the airplane were dimmed for the night flight.


  • inside the plane
  • within the aircraft
  • within the airplane
  • inside the aircraft
  • inside the cabin
Both 'on the airplane' and 'in the airplane' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'On the airplane' is used to indicate being physically on the airplane, such as sitting in a seat. 'In the airplane' is used to refer to being inside the airplane, encompassing the entire interior space.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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