Which one is correct?
"on monday" or "in monday"?

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on monday

This is correct

"On Monday" is a time phrase that tells us when something happens on a certain day.

Some examples from our editors:

  • I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so I won't be able to make it to the meeting.
  • We went hiking on Monday and saw a beautiful sunrise.
  • Don't forget that our project is due on Monday.
  • On Monday, we are planning to have dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant.
  • The grocery store is having a sale on Monday.
  • My kids are going back to school on Monday.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • This coming Monday
  • Next Monday
  • On the upcoming Monday
  • On the following Monday
  • On Monday of next week

in monday

This is not correct. Don't use this phrase.

The phrase "in Monday" is not correct. You should say "on Monday" when talking about something that will happen on a specific day.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • On Monday
  • This coming Monday
  • Next Monday
  • On the following Monday
  • On the Monday of that week
"On Monday" is correct. We use "on" for days of the week in English.
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Explained by Jennifer
Editor at TextRanch

Last Updated: July 18, 2023

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