need to have or need of having?

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need to have

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express a necessity or requirement for something. It indicates that something is needed or must be obtained.


  • I need to have a passport to travel abroad.
  • She needs to have more experience before applying for that job.
  • We need to have a meeting to discuss the project.
  • You need to have a valid ID to enter the building.
  • He needs to have a good understanding of the topic before giving a presentation.


  • must have
  • require
  • should have
  • have to have
  • ought to have

need of having

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English, often found in formal or literary contexts.

This phrase is also used to express a necessity or requirement, but it is less common. It is more formal and may be used in a literary context.


  • There is a great need of having a clear strategy for the project.
  • The company recognized the need of having a strong marketing team.
  • In times of crisis, there is a pressing need of having effective leadership.
  • The report highlighted the need of having better communication among team members.
  • The success of the event depends on the need of having sufficient resources.


  • requirement for having
  • necessity of having
  • demand of having
  • importance of having
  • urgency of having
Both 'need to have' and 'need of having' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Need to have' is more commonly used when referring to a necessity or requirement, while 'need of having' is less common and tends to be used in a more formal or literary context.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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