Which one is correct?
"My vision is" or "My vision is to"?

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My vision is

This phrase is correct and commonly used to simply state what your vision or idea is without specifying a particular goal or intention.

Use this phrase when you want to describe your vision or idea without focusing on specific goals or intentions.


  • My vision is to create a better world for all.
  • Her vision is innovative and forward-thinking.
  • Our vision is to inspire creativity and innovation.
  • His vision is to revolutionize the industry.
  • Their vision is inclusive and diverse.


  • I envision
  • I see
  • I imagine
  • I picture
  • I foresee

My vision is to

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a goal or intention.

Use this phrase when you want to state a specific goal or intention that is part of your vision or plan.


  • My vision is to create a more sustainable environment for future generations.
  • Her vision is to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • Our vision is to provide quality education to underprivileged children.
  • His vision is to travel the world and experience different cultures.
  • Their vision is to build a community center for local residents.


  • I aim to
  • I aspire to
  • I dream of
  • I plan to
  • I hope to
Both phrases are correct, but they serve different purposes. "My vision is to" is used when you want to express a goal or intention that you have in mind. On the other hand, "my vision is" is used to simply state what your vision or idea is without specifying any particular goal or intention.

Last Updated: March 20, 2024

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