Which one is correct?
"luck is terrible" or "my luck is terrible"?

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luck is terrible

This phrase is correct and can be used to make a general statement about luck being bad.

This phrase is used when someone wants to talk about luck in a general sense, without referring to any specific person's luck.


  • In situations like these, luck is terrible.
  • When luck is terrible, it's hard to stay positive.
  • Luck is terrible when you least expect it.
  • Sometimes, luck is just terrible.
  • It's frustrating when luck is terrible.


  • Luck can be terrible.
  • Terrible luck is common.
  • When luck is bad, it's terrible.
  • Having terrible luck is frustrating.
  • Luck seems to be terrible lately.

my luck is terrible

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express that the speaker's personal luck is bad.

This phrase is used when someone wants to express that their own luck is not good. It refers to the personal experience of the speaker.


  • I missed the bus again today. My luck is terrible.
  • Every time I play the lottery, I never win. My luck is terrible.
  • My luck is terrible when it comes to finding parking spots in this city.
  • I spilled coffee on my shirt this morning. My luck is terrible.
  • It seems like everything is going wrong lately. My luck is terrible.


  • I have terrible luck.
  • My luck seems to be cursed.
  • I can't catch a break with my luck.
  • Luck is not on my side.
  • I always have bad luck.
Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'My luck is terrible' implies that the speaker's personal luck is bad, while 'Luck is terrible' is a more general statement about luck in general. The choice between them depends on whether you want to refer to your own luck specifically or luck in a broader sense.

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

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