Which is correct:
"my husband drives very fast." or "my husband drives so fast."?

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my husband drives very fast.

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that the husband drives at a high speed.


  • My husband drives very fast, so we always arrive early.
  • She was scared when my husband drove very fast on the highway.
  • Despite the rain, my husband drives very fast and safely.
  • I don't like it when my husband drives very fast around sharp curves.
  • My husband drives very fast, but he's a skilled driver.


  • My husband drives at a high speed.
  • My husband drives quickly.
  • My husband drives at a fast pace.
  • My husband drives speedily.
  • My husband drives rapidly.

my husband drives so fast.

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase emphasizes the high speed at which the husband drives, indicating a surprising or impressive level of speed.


  • My husband drives so fast that it scares me.
  • She couldn't believe how my husband drives so fast in heavy traffic.
  • My husband drives so fast that we always get to our destination early.
  • I worry when my husband drives so fast on icy roads.
  • My husband drives so fast, but he's always in control.


  • My husband drives extremely fast.
  • My husband drives at an incredible speed.
  • My husband drives at a remarkable pace.
  • My husband drives at an astonishing speed.
  • My husband drives at an astounding rate.
Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. "My husband drives very fast." simply states that the husband drives at a high speed. On the other hand, "My husband drives so fast." emphasizes the speed even more, indicating a high level of speed that might be surprising or impressive.

Last updated: March 11, 2024

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