Which one is correct?
"My dog is dependent on me." or "She's gotten dependent on me."?

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My dog is dependent on me.

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express the idea that the dog relies on the speaker.

This phrase is used to indicate that the dog needs the speaker for support, care, or other necessities.


  • My dog is dependent on me for food and walks.
  • I feel responsible because my dog is dependent on me.
  • Having a pet means being aware that they are dependent on you.
  • It's important to consider that your dog is dependent on you for their well-being.
  • Training your dog well can help them become less dependent on you.


  • My dog relies on me.
  • My dog needs me.
  • My dog counts on me.
  • My dog is reliant on me.
  • My dog is attached to me.

She's gotten dependent on me.

This phrase is correct and implies a change in behavior over time, indicating that 'she' has started relying more on the speaker.

This phrase is used to show a shift in dependency, suggesting that 'she' has become more reliant on the speaker compared to before.


  • Since I started taking care of her, she's gotten dependent on me.
  • After spending more time together, she's gotten dependent on me for emotional support.
  • She used to be independent, but lately, she's gotten dependent on me.
  • As she recovered from her illness, she's gotten dependent on me for assistance.
  • With each passing day, she's gotten more dependent on me for guidance.


  • She has become reliant on me.
  • She has started depending on me.
  • She has grown dependent on me.
  • She has developed a dependency on me.
  • She has come to rely on me.
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'My dog is dependent on me' is a general statement about the dog relying on the speaker, while 'She's gotten dependent on me' implies a change in behavior over time. The first phrase is more commonly used in everyday language, while the second one is more specific.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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