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most of the populated areas vs most of populated areas

The phrase 'most of the populated areas' is correct. The word 'the' is necessary before 'populated areas' to indicate specificity. 'Most of populated areas' is incorrect because it lacks the definite article 'the'.

Last updated: March 08, 2024 • 1112 views

most of the populated areas

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the majority of specific populated regions or places.


  • Most of the populated areas have access to clean water.
  • She visited most of the populated areas in the country.
  • Most of the populated areas are located near the coast.
  • The government is focusing on improving infrastructure in most of the populated areas.
  • Most of the populated areas experience high levels of pollution.
  • ... and Jackson County were inundated by the storm surge, affecting most of the populated areas. Surge covered almost the entire lower half of Hancock County,  ...
  • ... large portions of both Hancock, Harrison and Jackson Counties were inundated by the storm surge, in all three cases affecting most of the populated areas.
  • The tsunami caused extensive damage on the island and lesser but locally severe damage along the southwest coast of Hokkaido. Most of the populated areas ...
  • Oct 24, 2013 ... There are many discussions to be had about living in fire-prone areas of Australia (which is most of the populated areas around the fringes of ...

most of populated areas

This phrase is incorrect in English. It is missing the definite article 'the' before 'populated areas'.

  • Microsoft is raising imagery expectations by obtaining coverage for most of populated areas in the United States. GEOSPAN is targeting Internet search and  ...
  • Most of populated areas of Kzyl-Orda Region are situated at altitudes of 60-180 m, while those of Alma-Ata Region--at 600-900 m above sea level. According to ...
  • Jun 10, 2011 ... Natural gas is provided to most of populated areas through an extensive national network. In the over 90% of the population has mains gas ...

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