More different kinds of or more kinds of?

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More different kinds of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when emphasizing the diversity or distinction between the kinds.

This phrase is used when you want to highlight the uniqueness or variety of the different kinds being referred to.


  • She tried more different kinds of ice cream flavors than anyone else.
  • The store offers more different kinds of products than its competitors.
  • I need to explore more different kinds of music genres.
  • The museum showcases more different kinds of art styles than I expected.
  • The restaurant serves more different kinds of cuisine than I imagined.


  • a greater variety of kinds of
  • a wider range of kinds of
  • more diverse kinds of
  • more distinct kinds of
  • more unique kinds of

more kinds of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express an increase in the number of kinds without emphasizing the diversity or distinction between them.

This phrase is a more general way to indicate a larger quantity or variety of kinds.


  • They have more kinds of snacks at the party this time.
  • The library has more kinds of books than I expected.
  • I want to try more kinds of sports this year.
  • The website offers more kinds of services to its users.
  • She has more kinds of hobbies than I realized.


  • a greater number of kinds of
  • an increased variety of kinds of
  • a larger selection of kinds of
  • a wider array of kinds of
  • more types of
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "More different kinds of" is used when emphasizing the diversity or distinction between the kinds, while "more kinds of" is a more general way to express an increase in the number of kinds.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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