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maximum value per vs maximum value of

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Maximum value per' is used when referring to a specific unit or quantity, while 'maximum value of' is used when talking about the overall highest value within a set or range.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 760 views

maximum value per

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific unit or quantity.

This phrase is used when specifying the highest value for each unit or quantity. It indicates the maximum value that can be assigned to each individual unit or quantity.


  • The maximum value per item is $100.
  • The company set a maximum value per transaction at $500.
  • The maximum value per person is limited to two tickets.
  • The maximum value per student is five points.
  • The maximum value per share is $50.
  • In order to ensure the full allocation of the amount resulting from the application of paragraph 1 after application of the fourth subparagraph of this paragraph, the farmer of the sector concerned shall be allocated payment entitlements of a maximum value per entitlement of EUR 5000.
  • Number of exceedances and maximum values per month
  • The wind speed shall be given as the daily mean and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of two digits and one decimal (99,9).
  • The windspeed will be given as the daily mean and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of two digits and one decimal.
  • The relative humidity shall be given as the daily mean, the minimum and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of three digits and one decimal (999,9).
  • The matric potential in the soil shall be given in hPa, as the daily mean, minimum and maximum value reached per day, using the format of up to four digits and one decimal (9999,9).
  • The water content in the soil shall be given in Volume % as the daily mean, the minimum and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of up to two digits and one decimal (99,9).
  • The relative humidity will be given as the daily mean, the minimum and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of two digits and one decimal.
  • The matric potential in the soil will be given in hPa, as the daily mean, the minimum and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of up to four digits and one decimal.
  • The water content in the soil will be given in Vol. % as the daily mean, the minimum and the maximum value reached per day, using the format of up to four digits and one decimal.
  • The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has warned against an increase in permitted levels of PAH, recommending a maximum value of 0.2 milligrams per kilogram.
  • In Annex II, point 11, a maximum value of 5g per vehicle may apply until... ( )
  • The credits may have a duration of between 2 and 12 years and a maximum value of EUR 12.5 million per loan.
  • The amount of DDS is subject to a maximum value cap of the export product per unit.
  • The Commission proposal for a maximum value for wood dust of 5 mg per cubic metre is also unjustifiable from a health point of view.
  • Subject to available resources, small and medium-sized enterprises can reserve a maximum of 820 consultancy cheques per calendar year with a nominal value of EUR 30 per cheque; maximum value EUR 24600.
  • The accuracy of exhaust flow determination shall be ±2,5 per cent of reading or ±1,5 per cent of the engine's maximum value whichever is the greater.
  • The accuracy of exhaust flow determination shall be at least ±2,5 per cent of reading or ±1,5 per cent of engine's maximum value, whichever is the greater.
  • The maximum value of the curve will represent kpeak and the value at 100 per cent slip will represent klock.
  • Indicative maximum Upward Light Output Ratio (ULOR) values per road class for street lighting luminaires (at benchmark level)


  • maximum value for
  • maximum value assigned to
  • maximum value allowed per

maximum value of

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the overall highest value within a set or range.

This phrase is used when discussing the highest value within a set or range of values. It indicates the maximum value that exists in a particular context.


  • The maximum value of the function occurs at x=5.
  • What is the maximum value of this dataset?
  • The maximum value of the stock reached $100.
  • The maximum value of the competition prize is $1000.
  • The maximum value of the property is $1 million.
  • The maximum value of haze shall not exceed 2 % when measured as set out ECE R 43 A3/4.
  • The maximum value of δt shall be 1,25 x 10-4 seconds.
  • The maximum value of the force shall be measured or calculated as indicated in paragraph 2.4.
  • ): maximum value of the "C"-frequency weighted instantaneous noise pressure;
  • The maximum value of the over-all sound level shall not be exceeded when all the constituent units are operated simultaneously.
  • 683 lm/W is the maximum value of the luminous efficacy of radiation.
  • The maximum value of t shall be 1,25 × 10-4 seconds.
  • maximum value of μm(d-1)
  • with a maximum value of 7 mm/m.
  • zmax is the maximum value of z; t is in seconds.
  • The maximum value of the export contract receiving official support is USD 15 million.
  • Maximum force: the maximum value of the contact force.
  • The amount of the insurance or financial guarantee referred to in Article 28(4) of the Convention shall, in respect of each event, not be less than the maximum value of an aircraft object as determined by the Supervisory Authority.
  • The maximum value of the curve will represent kpeak and the value at 100 per cent slip will represent klock.
  • Mean international normalized ratio (INR) AUC and maximum value of INR after single-dose warfarin administration with lasofoxifene were approximately 8% and 16% lower, respectively, than after warfarin alone.
  • He recalled, however, that that the maximum value of the case is essentially restricted to £5,000 and that therefore the amounts involved, and thus possible compensation, would be limited.
  • In Annex II, point 11, a maximum value of 5g per vehicle may apply until... ( )
  • Chest deflection: the peak chest deflection is the maximum value of deflection on any rib as determined by the thorax displacement transducers.
  • The end of the titration corresponds to the addition of the 0,1 or 0,05 ml portion (V1) of the silver nitrate solution which gives the maximum value of Ä1E.
  • Each IUPRm ratio shall have a minimum value of zero and a maximum value of 7,99527 with a resolution of 0,000122 [1].


  • highest value of
  • peak value of
  • maximum amount of

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