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market dominance vs market power

Both 'market dominance' and 'market power' are correct phrases used in the context of economics and business. They refer to the ability of a company to control a significant portion of the market. While 'market dominance' emphasizes the company's leading position in the market, 'market power' focuses on the ability to influence market outcomes. The choice between the two depends on the specific aspect of market control being discussed.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 816 views

market dominance

This phrase is correct and commonly used in economics and business contexts to refer to a company's leading position in a market.

It refers to the situation where a company has a significant share of the market compared to its competitors, giving it a competitive advantage.


  • The company achieved market dominance through strategic acquisitions.
  • Their market dominance allowed them to set prices in the industry.
  • In order to analyse market dominance it is crucial to define the relevant market.
  • 75 % of all green genetic engineering is in the hands of a small number of multinationals which enjoy market dominance and deal with patents in a complex licensing system.
  • the experience gained and progress made in creating a complete and fully operational internal market in natural gas and the obstacles that remain in this respect including aspects of market dominance, concentration in the market, predatory or anti-competitive behaviour;
  • (a) the experience gained and progress made in creating a complete and fully operational internal market in natural gas and the obstacles that remain in this respect including aspects of market dominance, concentration in the market, predatory or anti-competitive behaviour;
  • We have a de minimis notice which contains a declaration that since SMEs are not involved in market dominance they are not normally subject to the strict prohibition under Article 81(1).
  • Due to abuses of their market dominance by large retail chains, the prices paid by European consumers are, on average, five times higher than farm gate prices.
  • Market Concentration: The avoidance of market dominance is of particular importance in this sector as electricity cannot be stored and therefore the possibility to exercise market power is much greater than in other commodities.
  • In some cases they are right; the more sizeable airports in the EU, like London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle, should be regulated so they are not in a position to abuse their market dominance.
  • Urges the Commission to take further steps to address concentrations in the energy market in case of abuse of market dominance;
  • (a) the experience gained and progress made in creating a complete and fully operational internal market in electricity and the obstacles that remain in this respect, including aspects of market dominance, concentration in the market, predatory or anti-competitive behaviour;
  • d) Monitor the level of strategic gas stocks and the procedures for their use as well as the procedures applied with regard to access to storage including aspects of market dominance in relation to access to storage;
  • Missing harmonisation of the economic framework conditions: Market dominance, cross subsidies from captive clients and collusion of interests between grid and generation owners give competitive advantages that have to be addressed.
  • The Commission's persistence in shifting from the market dominance test to the 'substantial lessening of competition' (SLC) test, too, against Parliament's advice, is most regrettable.
  • Firstly, we must reduce market dominance.
  • The Airtours judgement clarifies what evidence is needed to prove collective market dominance on the basis of tacit coordination by companies.
  • The original market dominance test should therefore be retained.
  • There is great concern about market dominance by a few actors versus a variety of suppliers and traders.
  • Where appropriate, this report may include recommendations and measures to counteract negative effects of market dominance and market concentration.
  • a shift in market dominance towards the emerging markets.
  • They knew that there was a long-term objective down the line of building market dominance.


  • market leadership
  • dominant market position
  • market control
  • market supremacy
  • market hegemony

market power

This phrase is correct and commonly used in economics and business contexts to describe a company's ability to influence market outcomes.

It refers to the ability of a company to control prices, supply, and other factors in the market, often leading to monopolistic practices.


  • The company's market power allowed it to dictate terms to suppliers.
  • Regulators are concerned about the company's excessive market power.
  • Rather, competition concerns flow from the increased market power of the Parties on downstream markets.
  • Uster will have limited incentives to exploit its increased market power in a total foreclosure scenario.
  • This includes a symmetric regulation related to market power and other pro-competitive regulations, such as number portability.
  • This 'stability' serves as an indicator for its market power vis-à-vis actual and potential competitors.
  • This will strengthen the systemic partnership between airports and airlines and prevent any possible abuse of market power.
  • Without market power there is no incentive to coordinate behaviour on existing markets or to reduce or slow down innovation.
  • Distortions of competition are likely to be enhanced if the beneficiary of the aid has market power.
  • cases where the aid beneficiary holds substantial market power.
  • Obviously we all consider market power and processes of concentration to be damaging.
  • In theory, if the demand elasticity of a given product or service is significant, even at relative competitive prices, the firm in question lacks market power.
  • The market power of an undertaking can be constrained by the existence of potential competitors.
  • Agreements between competitors involving price fixing will always fall under Article 81(1) of the Treaty irrespective of the market power of the parties.
  • It is when competitive constraints are insufficient to maintain prices and output at competitive levels that undertakings have market power within the meaning of Article 53(1).
  • The creation, maintenance or strengthening of market power can result from a restriction of competition between the parties to the agreement.
  • The banks have an unassailable position in retail banking which means that they have unique market power since all users of financial services are already their customers.
  • On the one hand, any increase in market power caused by the restrictive agreement gives the undertakings concerned the ability and incentive to raise price.
  • When a company has no market power, it can only try to increase its profits by optimising its manufacturing or distribution processes.
  • Cost savings that arise from the mere exercise of market power or from anti-competitive conduct cannot be accepted.
  • If the buyer has no market power downstream, then no appreciable negative effects for consumers can be expected.
  • This is due to the fact that without market power the parties to a production agreement do not have an incentive to coordinate their competitive behaviour as suppliers.


  • market influence
  • market control
  • market leverage
  • market clout
  • market authority

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